
"Fugitive," the third installment of the sixth season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series', made its debut on Super RTL, a German television station, on February 15, 2014. Later, it became available in the United States and Canada through Netflix starting on March 7, 2014.

Official description

"Clone trooper Tup is scheduled to be transported to Coruscant for thorough examination by the Supreme Chancellor's personal physicians. Against orders, Fives disobeys protocol to uncover the truth, discovering an organic structure of mysterious origin embedded within the brains of all clone troopers."

Plot summary

Shaak Ti and Nala Se walk into the medical area where Fives is being detained. He questions the decision made by Chancellor Palpatine regarding Tup's growth, and Shaak Ti informs him that the growth will be sent to the Grand Republic Medical Facility on Coruscant. Fives anticipates being sent to Coruscant as well, but Nala Se clarifies that he was not included in the Chancellor's request, adding that they would have a better understanding of the condition if Fives hadn't intervened. Fives counters that he was trying to save his friend's life, to which Nala Se responds that removing the growth might have killed him. Fives retorts that she intended to kill and dissect him regardless, and he deserved better treatment. Shaak Ti commands Fives to stand down and informs Nala Se that there is no evidence to support her theory of a virus causing Tup's actions. She announces her decision to send the growth to the Jedi Temple for analysis. Nala Se objects, stating that the Chancellor instructed it to be sent directly to the medical facility. Shaak Ti clarifies that it will be, but only after the Jedi have examined it. Despite Nala Se's protests, Shaak Ti asserts that her decision is final. She informs Fives that if he passes one more physical test, he will return to the 501st. Just before Fives departs, he observes a medical droid replacing the case containing the growth with another.

As Fives is being escorted through the corridors, he spots AZI-3 being escorted in the opposite direction. The droid expresses regret for not being able to save Tup and inquires whether Fives will also be reprogrammed. Fives replies he is returning to his legion, but AZI-3 reveals that he heard otherwise: that Fives' memory would be erased, and he would be assigned to sanitation duty on Kamino. Fives breaks free from the clone security guards, and he and AZI-3 return to the medical suite as one of the Kaminoans triggers an alarm.

Upon returning to the medical suite, Fives verifies that the droid switched the cases and takes the growth with him. They proceed to the docking bay, where Fives incapacitates a clone pilot and commandeers his shuttle pod. As he and AZI-3 fly away from the city, Shaak Ti and a squad of ARC troopers arrive, and the Jedi orders the ship to be tracked. Above the waters of Kamino, Fives engages the ship's autopilot, and he and AZI-3 dive into the water. One of the droid's survival functions allows them to return to Tipoca City.

Nala Se communicates with Darth Tyranus, informing him that the rogue clone has stolen the inhibitor chip but is unaware of its purpose or function. Tyranus is concerned by these developments and questions whether the clone army will meet the Kaminoans' expectations. Nala Se assures him that Tup's malfunction was an isolated incident and that Fives' subsequent deviant behavior is a result of the Jedi's influence in fostering "creative thinking" among their troops. Tyranus cautions her that the Jedi must not discover the true purpose of the chip.

After re-entering the city through a service hatch, Fives and AZI-3 steal a clone trooper's armor. At Kamino's Genetic Records Hall, AZI-3 compares the DNA of the growth to that of Jango Fett, the original genetic source for the clones. The scan confirms that the growth's DNA does not match Jango Fett's and is not entirely organic, indicating it was implanted in Tup. Shaak Ti receives a report of unauthorized access to Fett's genotype and orders the room to be evacuated discreetly as she rushes there with Nala Se.

Fives notices the Kaminoans leaving the room and asks if there is another exit. Shaak Ti and her troops arrive, firing stun blasts at the fugitives, as Fives and AZI-3 escape through a ceiling hatch and seal it behind them. While navigating the service tunnels, AZI-3 suggests that the growth is an organic chip with an unknown function. Despite the potential dangers, Fives instructs the droid to operate on him to determine if he also has an implanted chip and to remove it. They proceed to a sterile suite, and AZI-3 begins the surgery.

In the control room, Nala Se believes they must have already left Kamino, but Shaak Ti suspects they are investigating, not escaping. Fives regains consciousness after his surgery, and AZI-3 confirms that he also had a chip, genetically identical to Tup's malfunctioning chip. Determined to confirm whether every clone was implanted with a chip, they head to the embryo room. One of the Kaminoans in the training room they pass through reports them to Nala Se, who exits the room, observed by Shaak Ti. AZI-3's scans reveal that the chips are implanted into every clone embryo at Stage 3 of their development. Nala Se enters the room and explains that the chips are intended to suppress the aggression inherent in their genetic template, Jango Fett. Shaak Ti and her clone troopers also arrive, and Fives informs her about the chips. Nala Se declares that the clones are the property of Kamino and that Fives must be eliminated. However, Shaak Ti corrects her, stating that the clones belong to the Republic, and she orders Fives and the chips to be sent to Coruscant to be presented to the Chancellor.


