
"Conspiracy" represents the second installment within the sixth season of the animated television show, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It was initially broadcast on February 15, 2014 via the German television channel, Super RTL, and subsequently made available in the United States and Canada on March 7, 2014, through the streaming service Netflix.

Official description

"Following the shocking murder of a Jedi Master by the clone trooper Tup, both Tup and his comrade Fives are placed in quarantine within the sterile laboratories of Kamino for observation. Driven by a desire to understand Tup's condition, Fives enlists the help of the medical droid AZI-3, ultimately uncovering a profound secret hidden within the Republic's cloning initiative."

Plot summary

Rex, Fives, accompanied by several other clones, escort Tup to Tipoca City, where the Kaminoans promptly take him into custody. Rex is ordered back to the front lines, while Fives is compelled to remain on Kamino due to the suspicion that a virus may be responsible for Tup's mental breakdown and that Fives himself may be infected. Fives is confined to a room featuring a window that offers a view of Tup undergoing medical procedures. Fives grows increasingly concerned about Tup's apparent distress during the operation, but his objections only result in the Kaminoans obstructing his view. Subsequently, Fives is attended to by the droid AZI-3, who informs him that his release is contingent upon determining the cause of Tup's condition.

The test results for Tup come back, showing that he is not infected with a virus, which causes confusion. Suddenly, Tup wakes up and starts rambling about killing Jedi, which makes Shaak Ti wonder if this is a Separatist brainwashing scheme. Nala Se and Shaak Ti keep talking about Tup's condition and arguing about who has the most power over the clones. Shaak Ti wants to do an atomic brain scan on Tup and tries to contact the Jedi High Council, but Nala Se wants to kill the clone and do an autopsy, so she goes to Prime Minister Lama Su. At the same time, AZI-3 goes back to Fives' room, where he and Fives argue about whether clones should be known by their names or numbers.

Nala Se has a meeting with Lama Su, and they talk about the real reason why Tup is sick: it's because Protocol 66 was activated too early. They contact the mysterious Tyranus, and he tells them to kill Tup so they can do a full autopsy. They also have to give Tup's inhibitor chip to Tyranus, who is secretly Count Dooku.

Fives convinces AZI-3 that his job to save patients is more important than following orders, so AZI-3 does an atomic-level brain scan on Tup. This scan reveals a tumor, which is actually his inhibitor chip. Nala Se walks in on AZI-3 and says that there is no tumor and that it is a virus. Back in Fives' room, he is angry about the plan to kill Tup and convinces AZI-3 to do a biopsy. AZI-3 sets off a fake intruder alarm and takes the tumor out of Tup's brain, but then Nala Se and Shaak Ti walk in on them. Tup wakes up and tells Fives about a mission in all clones' dreams that never ends. Tup says that the mission is a nightmare, and that it is the end for him and he is free. Then, Tup dies right away, and Fives is very sad.

Shaak Ti talks to Chancellor Palpatine about Tup's death and suggests that the tumor should be sent to the Jedi Temple to be studied. But the Chancellor says that it should be sent to the Grand Republic Medical Facility, which is very advanced. Nala Se agrees with the Chancellor, so Shaak Ti has to agree too.


This episode marks the return of Nala Se after her appearances in the Malevolence story arc from the first season and the episode "Brain Invaders" from the second season. Furthermore, there's a moment where Fives recalls training under Shaak Ti, referencing the episode "Clone Cadets."


