"Orders" marks the fourth installment in the sixth season of the animated television show, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It was initially broadcast on the German television channel Super RTL on February 15, 2014, before becoming available in the United States and Canada through the streaming service Netflix on March 7, 2014.
"The clone trooper Fives continues his relentless pursuit of answers concerning the perplexing clone contamination. He even manages to gain an audience with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. However, the situation rapidly deteriorates when Fives finds himself accused of assaulting the chancellor. Consequently, he is forced to seek refuge deep within the urban sprawl of Coruscant, evading capture by his fellow clone troopers._" [1]
The shuttle carrying clone trooper Fives, Jedi Master Shaak Ti, and Kaminoan scientist Nala Se touches down on Coruscant. While Shaak Ti's attention is diverted, Nala Se secretly injects the sedated Fives with an unidentified substance.
Upon arrival at the Grand Republic Medical Facility, they are greeted by Mas Amedda and escorted to a meeting with the Chancellor. Fives passionately argues that the chips are not inhibitors, as Nala Se claims, but rather components of a Separatist plot designed to incite aggression in the clones. Palpatine suggests a private discussion with Fives, a proposition to which Shaak Ti objects. He assures her of his safety, citing the presence of his security detail. While they are waiting outside, Palpatine cries out for assistance. Shaak Ti bursts into the room to find Fives having subdued Palpatine's guard, holding the guard's rifle, and pointing it at the Chancellor. Using the Force, she hurls Fives aside, and he escapes from the room, with Shaak Ti in hot pursuit. Palpatine, regaining his composure, calmly hands the chips over to Nala Se. Fives sprints through the reception area, narrowly avoiding being trapped as Shaak Ti orders the blast doors sealed. At the Jedi Temple, Shaak Ti recounts the events to the Jedi Council during a conference attended by Yoda, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, and Plo Koon. Skywalker expresses disbelief that Fives would attempt to assassinate the Chancellor and finds it suspicious that the Jedi have not been asked to participate in the search for the fugitive trooper. Windu proposes a discreet investigation, and Skywalker volunteers to lead it, believing that Fives will trust him and Captain Rex, his commanding officers in the 501st Legion.
Fives hires an air taxi driven by Jay Igno to take him to the clone bar 79's. Unable to pay the fare, he instructs Igno to "bill it to the Republic," a remark that amuses some intoxicated clone officers who accompany him inside and present him with an officer's cap. Inside the bar, Fives spots fellow 501st troopers Kix and Jesse. As a squad of shock troopers from the Coruscant Guard arrive and begin requesting identification, Fives approaches Kix in the refresher and provides him with coordinates for a meeting with Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex. He manages to evade the shock troopers and commandeers a Flitknot Speeder Bike to flee the bar, unaware that a probe droid is tracking him to a warehouse located on Level 1325 of an underworld portal.
Skywalker and Rex arrive at the warehouse, having received the coordinates from Kix. Fives requests that they lower their weapons before activating a Ray shield to contain them. He reveals the plot against the Jedi, explaining that the biochips implanted in every clone are designed to force them to eliminate their Jedi generals. Fives becomes agitated when Skywalker and Rex express skepticism, insisting that the Chancellor is complicit in the scheme, claiming that Palpatine confessed to orchestrating it in the medical bay. Commander Fox and his troops storm the warehouse and order Fives to surrender, but as he reaches for one of Rex's pistols, Fox is compelled to shoot him. As he lies dying in Rex's arms, Fives laments that the conspiracy is far-reaching and that he only sought to fulfill his duty, expressing relief that his missions and nightmares are finally over.
In the Chancellor's office, Palpatine informs Mace Windu and Yoda that his personal physicians have examined the "tumors" provided by Fives, concluding that Nala Se had overlooked the true cause of the clone troopers' behavior: a parasite indigenous to Ringo Vinda, for which an inoculation has been developed and will be administered to the clones.
At his palace on Serenno, Dooku confirms receipt of the biochips from Nala Se. As Darth Sidious, Palpatine instructs Dooku to destroy the evidence to ensure that no one can prevent Order 66.