"An Old Friend" marks the fifth installment within the sixth season of the animated television program, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Initially, its broadcast was planned for the show's fifth season, but it was ultimately removed from the Season Five lineup. It debuted on the German television channel Super RTL alongside other episodes from the sixth season on February 22, 2014. Subsequently, it became accessible in both the United States and Canada through the streaming platform Netflix starting on March 7, 2014.
"Padmé Amidala finds herself on Scipio, aiming to secure funds for a humanitarian endeavor. However, an encounter with Rush Clovis, an acquaintance from the past, leads her to investigate potential corruption within the Banking Clan. To escape the planet with crucial evidence, they must outwit the bounty hunter Embo."
A senatorial vessel lands on Scipio, carrying Senator Padmé Amidala, her handmaiden Teckla Minnau, and a pair of Senate Guards. They are greeted by Muun banker Mak Plain, who guides them to the Banking Clan's Main Vault, situated in the neutral zone. From afar, the bounty hunter Embo observes their arrival, deploying a small probe droid to tail Amidala.
Amidala engages with the Banking Clan's leadership—the Core Five—seeking to expedite a vital loan for the Republic. Clu Lesser, the leader of the Core Five, suggests she discuss the loan's specifics with the IGBC's special representative, who, to Amidala's astonishment, turns out to be Rush Clovis. She declines to engage with Clovis, labeling him as a known Separatist and a betrayer of the Republic.
Later that evening, Clovis ascends to Amidala's balcony, informing her that the Banking Clan is financially depleted and nearing collapse. When she requests proof, he explains that the incriminating account records are secured within the Main Vault, accessible only to the Core Five. He implores her to exert pressure on the Clan, aiding him in gaining entry to the vault to substantiate his claims. As she refuses, Embo initiates an attack on the balcony, narrowly missing Clovis. Clovis asserts that this demonstrates the Clan's intent to silence him due to his knowledge, and he calls for a speeder to flee. As Muun security investigates the incident, Amidala seeks counsel from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Upon hearing Amidala's belief in Clovis's veracity, Palpatine advises her to trust her judgment.
Amidala informs the Core Five that she will accept Clovis as the transfer negotiator, provided she is granted access to the vault to oversee the entire funds transfer. Lesser objects, citing the unprecedented nature of allowing an outsider into the vault, but Amidala asserts her authority from the Supreme Chancellor. Clovis supports her, arguing that, in light of the previous night's attack, transparency from the bank is warranted. Consequently, the bankers agree to open the vault the following morning.
Clovis escorts Amidala and her handmaiden to his private residence, nestled in a snow-covered mountainous area. He outlines his strategy: detonating a charge within the vault's power source, triggering a shutdown that will provide Amidala with a brief window to locate and download the account files before the backup generators activate.
The subsequent morning, the Core Five activates the identification scanners, granting Amidala entry to the vault. As Clovis prepares to depart, Mak Plain insists that he remain to accompany Amidala upon her exit. Clovis discreetly hands the detonator to Teckla, who quietly exits the chamber and proceeds to the power generator. There, she plants the charge, activates it, and is subsequently shot and killed by Embo. The explosion triggers a system shutdown, plunging the vault into darkness. Amidst the chaos, Amidala slips away and accesses the files using a device provided by Clovis. As the Muun manage to open the vault door, Amidala emerges, stating that she will report the incident to the Chancellor. Back in Amidala's quarters, Clovis examines the files, confirming that the vaults are indeed empty. As they close the file, Nix Card enters and places Amidala under arrest for espionage.
Anakin Skywalker arrives on Scipio with R2-D2, aiming to secure Amidala's release. He confirms that Teckla was discovered dead at the bomb site, with the Muuns suspecting her of sabotaging the power grid. Skywalker becomes enraged upon learning of Clovis's involvement, questioning his trustworthiness given his past betrayals. With Amidala released into his care, she insists on retrieving the files from the vault from Clovis's private residence. They travel there via speeder, only to find the house ransacked and deserted. They locate Clovis hiding inside, and a heated exchange ensues between him and Skywalker. Ultimately, they agree to leave the planet together. As Embo targets Amidala, Skywalker senses the danger and deflects the shots with his lightsaber. They flee towards the speeder, pursued by Embo's Anooba, Marrok. Amidala and Clovis escape, and Skywalker leaps after them. However, Embo strikes the speeder, causing it to crash and slide down the mountainside. Utilizing his domed hat as a sled, the bounty hunter gives chase, firing at massive overhead icicles, which Anakin deflects using the Force. Anakin summons Artoo to their location, and the droid pilots the ship to intercept the trio as the speeder plunges off a cliff. Embo contacts his employer—Darth Sidious—who informs the bounty hunter that his mission has been accomplished, and that he will now handle the situation personally.
Based on the original broadcast sequence outlined in Star Wars Insider 134, "An Old Friend" was intended as the fifth episode of Season Five. However, this was later changed to "The Gathering" following an update to Cartoon Network's online schedule. Alongside the episodes "The Rise of Clovis" and "Crisis at the Heart," "An Old Friend" was postponed in the broadcast order and did not air during Season Five as initially planned.
According to Series Writer Brent Friedman, the narrative arc encompassing "An Old Friend" originally included the episode "A Friend in Need." However, the arc was subsequently divided between seasons, with "A Friend in Need" being released as part of the series' fourth season.
According to official Databank information, Padmé Amidala's handmaiden Teckla Minnau survived the Clone Wars and subsequently married a writer while continuing to serve as handmaiden to Queen Kylantha. Nevertheless, "An Old Friend" disregarded this established continuity, depicting Minnau's death on Scipio.