"Crisis at the Heart," an episode from the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, represents the seventh installment of its sixth season. While initially planned for broadcast during the show's fifth season, its release was ultimately deferred. The episode first appeared on the German television channel Super RTL on February 22, 2014, before becoming available to viewers in the United States and Canada through the streaming service Netflix on March 7, 2014.
Rush Clovis, accompanied by Padmé Amidala, returns to Scipio aboard a Republic frigate, under the protection of Republic gunships and clone Commander Thorn. Senator Bec Lawise, a leading figure in the Separatist Senate, welcomes them at the landing platform, expressing high expectations for Clovis. Clovis emphasizes the banks' neutrality, stipulating that no troops from either side will be allowed within the neutral zone during the exchange, with Amidala and Lawise overseeing the proceedings.
Upon entering the Main Vault chamber alongside the Senators, Clovis witnesses a Muun judge delivering the verdict for the former Core Five, who are found guilty of embezzlement and sentenced to imprisonment. Clovis declares his lack of interest in power, focusing solely on restoring stability to the banking system, earning applause from the Muuns.
While in his office, Clovis receives a communication from Count Dooku, who congratulates him on his new position. Clovis expresses gratitude for Dooku's assistance, but Dooku states his intention to collect a return on his "investment." Clovis declines, asserting the bank's need to remain neutral. Dooku threatens to expose his involvement in Clovis's investigation, but Clovis stands firm. Dooku then informs Clovis that the Separatists will not fulfill their promised loan interest payments. Clovis objects, warning that the banks will collapse without these payments, but Dooku insists he must increase interest rates on the Republic's loans to keep the bank solvent.
Clovis announces to a stunned Senator Amidala the immediate increase in the Republic's interest rates. Despite her protests, Clovis and the Muuns disregard her concerns.
In the Senate, Chancellor Palpatine informs the incensed senators about the rate increase. Yoda and Mace Windu suggest to Anakin that his suspicions about Clovis might be justified, although his motives remain unclear. Palpatine urges restraint as the senators debate their next course of action.
A Separatist invasion fleet emerges from hyperspace above Scipio. Republic forces detect the fleet and attempt to find cover outside the city gates. Commander Thorn alerts Amidala to the invasion, instructing her to reach a ship as his troops are unable to assist her. Her consular ship is destroyed by Vulture droid fighters and Hyena bombers. The clone troopers fight bravely but are overwhelmed by battle droids, and Thorn is killed after being shot three times in the chest.
Padmé contacts the Chancellor to report the invasion, informing Anakin that she is trapped and unable to reach a ship. The transmission is interrupted as a droid takes her into custody. Palpatine directs Mas Amedda to convene an emergency Senate session and assigns Anakin to lead the Republic forces to Scipio.
Padmé is escorted to Clovis's office, where Dooku reveals that Clovis had assured him she would join their cause. Upon Padmé's refusal, Dooku orders her arrest, but she grabs a battle droid's blaster and aims it at him. Bec Lawise objects, stating that the Separatist government would disapprove of Amidala's arrest. Dooku then uses the Force to manipulate Padmé into firing the blaster at Lawise, killing him.
During the Senate emergency meeting, the Chancellor announces that Clovis has betrayed them by allowing the Separatists to invade Scipio. The Senate votes to launch a counter-invasion. Palpatine, as Darth Sidious, informs Dooku of the Republic fleet's imminent arrival, expressing delight that Clovis's blatant treachery will place the banks under his control.
Clovis explains to Padmé that he had to make a deal with Dooku to expose the Muun deception, but insists he is still in control and will rectify the situation. Padmé responds that the Republic armada is approaching, that war has come to Scipio, and that Clovis has irrevocably ruined the banks. Above the planet, the Republic fleet exits hyperspace and engages the Separatist fleet. Anakin and Captain Rex scan for Padmé's life signs on the planet as Hawk's squadron of Z-95s escorts the gunships to the surface.
Dooku arrives on his flagship and instructs the tactical droid Kraken to withdraw their forces from the battle, abandoning the droids on the planet. A Muun informs Clovis that the Republic invasion forces have arrived and that Dooku has departed the planet. As Clovis laments that his reputation will be destroyed by these events, Anakin enters and eliminates the droids, but Clovis seizes Padmé as a hostage. He maintains that they have all been deceived by Dooku and that he has done nothing wrong. In the skies above the city, Hawk shoots down a Vulture droid, which crashes into Clovis's office. As the three of them fall from the ledge, Anakin manages to grab Padmé and Clovis but struggles to hold both of them. Clovis tells Anakin to let him go, apologizes to Padmé, and releases Skywalker's grip, falling to his death. As Anakin pulls Padmé up from the ledge, she apologizes to Anakin about their fight and he forgives her with open arms.
In the Senate, the Muun government dissolves the Banking Clan and transfers control of the bank to the Office of the Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. As the Senators chant "Long live the banks!" Palpatine accepts the responsibility with great humility, promising to restore the banks to their former status once the Clone Wars conclude.
According to the original broadcast sequence outlined in Star Wars Insider 134, "Crisis at the Heart" was intended to be the seventh episode of Season Five. However, this was later changed to "Bound for Rescue." Alongside "An Old Friend" and "The Rise of Clovis," "Crisis at the Heart" was delayed in the series' broadcast schedule and did not air during Season Five as initially planned.
As stated by Series Writer Brent Friedman, the story arc encompassing "Crisis at the Heart" originally included the episode "A Friend in Need," but the arc was subsequently divided between seasons, with "A Friend in Need" being released during the series' fourth season.