The Disappeared, Part I

title: The Disappeared, Part I

The episode titled "The Disappeared, Part I" marks the eighth installment in the sixth season of the animated television show Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It was initially broadcast on the German television channel Super RTL on March 1, 2014, before becoming available in the United States and Canada through the streaming platform Netflix on March 7, 2014.

Official description

An ancient prophecy threatens the tranquil world of Bardotta, known for its mystic traditions, and its esteemed spiritual leaders have mysteriously vanished. Queen Julia of Bardotta seeks assistance from her trusted ally in the Senate, Jar Jar Binks. Recognizing the significance of Bardotta's spiritual equilibrium, the Jedi Council dispatches Mace Windu to accompany Binks and conduct an investigation.

Plot summary

Via a hologram, Queen Julia of Bardotta appeals to the Galactic Senate for help. Chancellor Palpatine suggests sending Senators Bail Organa and Padmé Amidala to Bardotta to provide assistance during this critical situation. However, the Queen insists that she will only meet with a specific individual from the Republic. Palpatine then informs the Jedi High Council about the Queen's request, specifically her desire for the Republic envoy to be Gungan Representative Jar Jar Binks. Several Dagoyan Masters, who are Bardottan mystics possessing a subtle but potent connection to the Force, have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The Chancellor questions why the Bardottans were hesitant to involve the Jedi in the investigation. Yoda explains that the Dagoyans viewed the Jedi's practice of inducting Force-sensitive Bardottan children into their order as a form of abduction. Despite the Queen's wish for Binks to travel to Bardotta alone, Mace Windu deems it unsafe and volunteers to accompany the Gungan.

Upon Windu and Binks' arrival on Bardotta, neither their security detail nor the Queen are pleased by the presence of a Jedi. As a result, Binks introduces Windu as his servant. While Windu waits in the antechamber, the Queen informs Jar Jar about a prophecy that appears to be unfolding: if the Dagoyan Masters are not recovered, a significant darkness will engulf their planet. The Queen dismisses everyone from the room to speak with Jar Jar privately, requesting that he meditate with her, and then kisses him. Mace Windu grows concerned about Binks' extended time alone with the Queen, but her guards deny him entry to her meditation chamber, and their resolve remains unbroken even when he attempts to use a Jedi mind trick. Windu then resorts to a more conventional method of deception to bypass the guards, bursting into the Queen's chamber to her dismay. Binks escorts him out, and Windu warns him that his relationship with the Queen is jeopardizing the mission, providing the Gungan with a comlink to contact him if he uncovers any information.

Binks returns to the Queen's chambers, but Windu and the guards follow him when they hear his screams and cries about the Queen's disappearance. The Dagoyans convene the Bahk-tov Council, where High Seneschal Peteen informs them that, according to the prophecy, if the Queen is not found within three rotations, she will be lost forever, ushering in an era of darkness throughout the galaxy. Council member Savatte reveals that the prophecy originated from the Frangawl Cult, whose shrine to the demon Malmourral was located beneath the Dagoyan temple. Savatte leads Windu and Binks through the catacombs beneath the temple, but Binks gets separated and discovers a piece of Julia's headdress. As he rises, a masked figure blows a glowing blue powder into his face, causing Jar Jar to become invisible. Windu sends Savatte back to the surface to report to the council and continues the pursuit of the Gungan alone.

The cult members place Jar Jar in a cage suspended above a lava pit, where he regains his visibility. The caged Dagoyans inform him that they are to be sacrificed to the demon. Binks uses his comlink to contact Windu, and the Jedi uses it to pinpoint his location. However, the Gungan drops the communicator when his cage is moved, and it is destroyed by the Frangawl Leader. Jar Jar sees Julia, who tells him that the cult members are stealing the Force from within the Dagoyans. The leader places one of the Dagoyans in a trance and pushes him down a ramp to a stone structure where his Force energy is drained into a glowing sphere. Windu senses the disturbance in the Force and locates the temple just as the cult is about to sacrifice Jar Jar. As they fight off the cult members, the leader escapes with the Queen, and they depart the planet in a starship. As the council laments the consequences of the prophecy, Jar Jar promises them that he will rescue the Queen with the assistance of his Jedi friend.


Jonathan W. Rinzler receives writing credit for both "The Disappeared, Part I" and its sequel, "The Disappeared, Part II," although Rinzler has stated that very little of his original work remained in the final versions. This episode marks the debut of the planet Bardotta and Queen Julia, both of which were named by J.W. Rinzler, with the former being named after Brigitte Bardot.


