The ninth episode of the sixth season of the animated television program Star Wars: The Clone Wars is entitled "The Disappeared, Part II". It was first broadcast on Super RTL, a German television channel, on March 1, 2014. Later, on March 7, 2014, it became available in the United States and Canada via the streaming service Netflix.
"Queen Julia, who is very dear to Jar Jar Binks, has been kidnapped from the planet Bardotta by the Frangawl Cult, a group known for their bloodlust. Their intention is to fulfill an ancient and sinister prophecy. In order to locate the missing Queen before the cult's power grows, Representative Binks must team up with Jedi Master Mace Windu."
Jar Jar Binks and Mace Windu are departing Bardotta aboard their T-6 shuttle when Windu inquires about what Binks witnessed within the cult's chamber. The Gungan recounts the cultists' sacrifice of a Dagoyan Masters, followed by the extraction of their Living Force, which was then contained within a glowing sphere. Windu concludes that the cult intends to extract the Force from Julia as well, but he wonders about the cult's true motivations. Jar Jar is more worried about Julia's well-being, and Windu reassures him that he should have the ability to sense where the gathered Force energy is located.
The cultists' spacecraft makes its way to the moon Zardossa Stix, touching down in a city where they are greeted by local cult members. Queen Julia awakens, demanding to know her whereabouts. She begins to call out for Jar Jar, but the cult leader uses sleeping powder to subdue her. The Zardossan cultist informs the newcomers that the Great Mother has sensed that the Jedi and the Gungan have discovered their location and will be arriving soon. The cult leader insists that they must hasten the queen's sacrifice—once her Living Force empowers the Great Mother, she will be capable of dealing with the Jedi.
Windu and Binks make their way to the city on Zardossa. Binks is eager to begin the search immediately, but Windu insists that they must remain composed and focused while he attempts to locate their targets using the Force. Windu enters a meditative state and describes his visions: crowded city streets and a market square where both the sphere and the queen are being held.
Upon reaching the market square, Windu advises Binks to avoid dwelling on his fears and instead remain vigilant. As Windu ascends to a rooftop to gain a better vantage point, Jar Jar hears Julia's cries for assistance and takes off in pursuit. A Zygerrian cultist throws her tooka into a group of eopie, causing a small stampede intended to hinder the Jedi. Jar Jar turns a corner and finds himself surrounded by cultists. As Windu escapes the eopie stampede, Jar Jar runs past him, screaming, with the cultists chasing after him. Windu uses his lightsaber and the cultists' own weapons to defeat them in combat. Jar Jar seeks refuge in a cantina before resuming his pursuit of the group carrying the queen. Windu, now under attack from another group of cultists, loses sight of Jar Jar, who dives for cover as a cultist unleashes heavy repeating blaster fire. Hearing the blaster fire, Windu arrives just in time to rescue Jar Jar as he charges towards the blaster.
The cult leader commands a Ming Po animal trainer to intercept their pursuers. The trainer summons two gundarks, then uses a whip to disarm Mace of his lightsaber. Windu manages to stun the gundarks, then uses the Force to pull the trainer towards him, only for the gundarks to attack him once more. Jar Jar punches the trainer, causing him to drop the lightsaber, which Jar Jar retrieves with his tongue and spits towards Windu. Re-armed, Windu kills one gundark, causing the other to flee. As Jar Jar continues the pursuit, Windu interrogates the trainer, who warns that the shadow will fall and the Great Mother will deal with the Jedi. With the cultists escaping in two speeders, Windu compensates a local trader for an eopie and a dalgo to continue the chase.
The cultists arrive at the Temple of Malmourral, where they discuss that, despite the Jedi's relentless pursuit, he will arrive too late to prevent the queen's sacrifice during an imminent planetary alignment. A shuttlecraft lands at the temple, and the cult members bow in reverence as its occupant emerges: the Great Mother, who is revealed to be Mother Talzin, the leader of the Dathomirian Nightsisters. They present her with the Force sphere, assuring her that the temple's stone guardians will impede the Jedi's progress while the ritual takes place. Talzin reveals her plan to use the planetary alignment to merge the queen's spirit with her own dark magic and the collected Force energy, granting her power surpassing that of any Jedi or Sith.
As Windu and Jar Jar approach the temple, Windu realizes that the ritual has already commenced. Jar Jar inadvertently activates the temple's Stone guardians, but Windu uses the Force to manipulate the Gungan, causing the guardians to destroy each other with their own weapons.
Windu jumps onto the ritual platform to confront Mother Talzin, who conjures the Blade of Talzin using her magic. As the Jedi and the Nightsister engage in a duel, Jar Jar uses one of the stone guardians' weapons to blast the cult members and release the queen from her restraints. As the cult leader attacks Jar Jar, the planets align and a beam of energy shoots through a series of lenses. Julia shoves Jar Jar out of harm's way, and the cult leader's spirit is forcibly extracted from his body. The Force sphere falls from its pedestal, shatters, and unleashes the Force energy, resulting in a massive explosion. Windu rises to his feet and witnesses Talzin screaming as she vanishes.
Queen Julia expresses her gratitude to Binks and Windu for saving her and suggests that these events could usher in a new era of understanding between the Bardottans and the Jedi.