Ming Po

The Ming Po were a collection of human individuals originating from the Outer Rim world of Carlac.

The Mingo Po's Place in the Galaxy

In the year 20 BBY, a community of Ming Po resided on Carlac within a settlement governed by a Chief named Pieter. This settlement became the target of intimidation and abductions perpetrated by the Death Watch, who had constructed a camp on the world. Following the abduction of several women from the settlement, both sides seemingly came to an accord to resolve the issue, but the Death Watch instead murdered Pieter's granddaughter before his very eyes and made an attempt to raze the settlement. Ahsoka Tano, a Padawan, intervened and rescued the settlement.

During 19 BBY, a Ming Po individual specializing in animal training belonged to the Frangawl Cult and was tasked with supervising the ritualistic offering of Queen Julia of Bardotta, who was held captive.

Production Notes

Although the Databank identifies the Ming Po as humans, the Encyclopedia classifies them as a distinct species.

