"Bound for Rescue" represents the eighth installment of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series' fifth season. It was originally broadcast on November 17, 2012.
The younglings aboard the adrift Crucible eventually succeed in establishing a line of communication with the nearest Republic fleet. Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi contacts them and pledges to dispatch a rescue team. This team's mission is twofold: first, to retrieve the stranded younglings, and second, to pursue Hondo Ohnaka and his pirate band on Florrum to save their captive, Ahsoka. Driven by a desire to help Ahsoka without delay, Petro bravely states that he and the others wish to reach her first. However, Obi-Wan, prioritizing their safety, forbids this. Before Obi-Wan and his forces can even begin their rescue mission, a surprise attack is launched by a Separatist battle fleet commanded by General Grievous. After their ship is seized, Kenobi and Cody activate its self-destruct mechanism, compelling Grievous to withdraw. This action, however, makes it impossible for them to assist Ahsoka and the younglings, who are forced to escape in escape pods.
With more available time, the younglings complete the construction of their lightsabers within the Crucible. However, Katooni is unable to activate her weapon after assembly due to a technical error. An overly confident Petro proposes that they launch a rescue mission independently. His suggestion is supported by Gungi and Byph, but opposed by the more rational Katooni. However, Zatt and Ganodi's inspection of the ship's systems reveals a critical issue that overrides her objections: the engines' cooling system sustained severe damage during their confrontation with the Weequay pirates. This forces them to land on Florrum, the nearest habitable planet, to allow the engines to cool down to prevent a potential explosion.
Leaving R2 and Ganodi to repair Huyang and prepare the ship for a rapid departure, the remaining younglings head towards the pirate base. While traversing the Florrum wastelands, they encounter a traveling carnival troupe on their way to Hondo's base for business. By posing as junior acrobats, they convince the show's owner, Preigo, to transport them to the pirate base. Held captive and shackled by Hondo, Ahsoka endures the pirates' mockery. While attempting to convince Hondo to release her, she learns that he plans to sell her to a certain "business man" who will pay a "handsome" sum for a female Jedi, whether alive or dead.
Later that evening, Preigo's troupe arrives, and Hondo, accompanied by Ahsoka, joins the eager audience. The younglings, in disguise, appear before Hondo and perform an opening act. They eventually persuade a drunken Hondo to participate in the next stunt. Unnoticed, Katooni retrieves Ahsoka's lightsabers and frees the Padawan from her restraints while the act is in progress. As the young Jedi flee, the pirates recognize them and open fire. However, the Jedi manage to steal one of the pirates' speeders and escape towards the Crucible. Fortunately, the troupe decides to leave, fearing retribution from Hondo for allowing the younglings to infiltrate their group. As they start their ship, they inadvertently create a dust cloud that delays the pirates' immediate pursuit. As the Jedi return to their ship, Ahsoka expresses her gratitude to the younglings, acknowledging that, as her master taught her, "doing the right thing sometimes means bending the rules." Petro then contacts Ganodi and R2 to prepare the ship for immediate departure.
"Bound for Rescue" is the third episode of a four-part story arc, which was called "Young Jedi." A full-length 80-minute preview of this arc was shown to family audiences at Celebration VI in August 2012. It took the place of "Crisis at the Heart," which was originally reported by Star Wars Insider 134 as the eighth episode of Season Five. Some concepts within this storyline originated from a discarded pilot script for a spin-off TV series.