The Star Wars fan gathering known as Celebration VI took place at the Orange County Convention Center located in Orlando, Florida from August 23 to August 26 in the year 2012. Orlando was chosen as the location once more because of the triumph of Celebration V that occurred there in 2010. The initial announcement of Celebration VI occurred in late May of 2011, through the creation of a preliminary website where attendees could register for updates. The website was updated in early June to reveal the exact dates and location. During the convention's opening day, the announcement of Star Wars: Transmission, a forthcoming talk show, was made. Moreover, Her Universe, a women's clothing company managed by Ashley Eckstein (the voice of Ahsoka Tano in Star Wars: The Clone Wars), launched a line of commemorative T-shirts for the event. These included two tank tops symbolizing the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire, in addition to a T-shirt inspired by Mara Jade. A sterling-silver R2-D2 charm was also available. Each item was produced in a limited quantity of 300, with 50 being sold online. Notable celebrity guests included Ben Burtt, Jake Lloyd (who portrayed young Anakin Skywalker in The Phantom Menace), Ian McDiarmid, Peter Mayhew, Anthony Daniels, Temuera Morrison, and Mark Hamill.
One particular event was an "Archive Party" presented by the Star Wars Collectors Archive, a fansite dedicated to Star Wars merchandise. Among the merchandise were humorous invitations featuring manatees and other similar aquatic mammals, such as "Manatee Man" (a reference to a character from A New Hope), "The Sea Cows Strike Back" (with "4LOManatee," a parody of the character 4-LOM, though the design suggested it was actually Zuckuss, alluding to the Kenner toy line's mix-up of the two names), "Return of the Manati" (featuring "Manatee Face"), and a collector's coin depicting a manatee.
The audio drama titled Star Wars: Smuggler's Gambit was presented as a performance at Celebration VI.
Items available at the Celebration VI store included a Gammorean Guard Piggy Bank replica; an Admiral Ackbar talking plush doll; a 2013 Calendar showcasing retro Star Wars artwork by David Craig; a Jar Jar Binks Whoopie Cushion; an Imperial corporate logo journal; a salt and pepper shaker set shaped like a stormtrooper and Darth Vader; a basket containing four baby Ewok dolls; limited-edition six-inch resin maquettes of Mara Jade, Quintin Vos, Darth Bane, and a Death Trooper (a stormtrooper infected with the Blackwing Virus); a Mos Eisley spaceport T-shirt; a Jabba the Hutt-themed soft knit cap; a T-shirt incorporating previously unused concept art for Return of the Jedi; a T-shirt featuring Tatooine postage stamp art; and a VaderAde T-shirt showing Darth Vader's arm holding a drink canister filled with a red liquid, along with the VaderAde container itself.
Artwork created by Dave Dorman was also released specifically for Celebration VI. Furthermore, Rancho Obi-Wan, a non-profit museum housing the world's largest private collection of Star Wars memorabilia, was given 600 square feet in the Exhibition Hall to display various Star Wars collectibles, including rare discarded items from the films' development and even fan-created items.
Apart from Star Wars–related activities, one event featured Mark Hamill delivering a eulogy for the Batman villain, the Joker.