Main Vault

The Main Vault, also referred to as the Main Vault of the Banking Clan or Main Vault of Scipio, functioned as the central building within the InterGalactic Banking Clan's fortress situated on Scipio, accommodating the Core Five and their invited guests. An office tower topped the structure, which Rush Clovis utilized before his demise during the Republic's invasion.


The Main Vault, located on the planet Scipio, was a city-sized mountaintop complex established by the InterGalactic Banking Clan to safeguard their vast riches, existing as a politically neutral territory supposedly impervious to galactic or personal disputes. Although the majority of the Banking Clan's operations took place on the neighboring planet Muunilinst, the Main Vault also served as the Bank's official headquarters throughout its millennia of existence.

The structure was constructed on curved support struts that appeared to have organically grown from the mountain, and it comprised numerous levels, each served by landing platforms of varying sizes. Access to the Vault was possible via shuttle or spacecraft, or by groundcar through transit tubes located within the support struts; many of these tubes extended directly to the distant residences and estates of affluent Banking Clan board members.

Despite the presence of numerous structures across the various levels, the tall, sleek towers with curved tops, and the massive Vault itself which loomed centrally, were the most noticeable features upon approaching the Vault and dominated the city's skyline. Visitors deemed important enough to enter the Main Vault were greeted by an imposing entrance, intentionally designed to instill intimidation.

Although equipped with heavy shields, the Main Vault lacked anti-aircraft batteries or a defensive aerial fleet. The buildings that housed the wealth of the galaxy were considered impenetrable, and the Banks were so vital to the galaxy's stability that no one would dare to attack them—the immediate and overwhelming military response from every other planet in the galaxy would be guaranteed.

