Dooku's flotilla

During the Clone Wars, a naval group under the command of Count Dooku, who was the head of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, operated. In 22 BBY, coinciding with the Confederacy's capture of the planet Ryloth, this naval flotilla was active in realspace. It also took part in the Separatist attack on Scipio, which temporarily isolated the planet Scipio. This event precipitated a short skirmish between the warships of Dooku's fleet and the Galactic Republic fleet led by Jedi General Anakin Skywalker. Soon after the Republic forces arrived, the flotilla departed the system following Dooku's orders.


The flotilla functioned as the personal fleet for Count Dooku, the leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Led by Dooku's own Providence-class Dreadnought, the naval group included a minimum of six Munificent-class star frigates along with two Lucrehulk-class Battleships. Later, during the period of the Scipio invasion, the flotilla had Dual Hemisphere-Omni Support Vessels at its disposal.

Behind the scenes

The flotilla's debut was in "Supply Lines," the third episode within Star Wars: The Clone Wars' animated television series' third season, initially broadcast on September 24, 2010.

