Kylantha, a Human female hailing from Naboo, ascended to the position of Monarch of Naboo. This occurred after her predecessor, Queen Apailana, met her death by order of the Galactic Empire for alleged treason, shortly following the Declaration of a New Order. Officially known as Her Highness, Queen Kylantha, she was placed on the throne by the Empire to act as their puppet ruler, governing throughout much of the Imperial Era. Despite this, Kylantha never became a mere tool of the Galactic Empire. During the Galactic Civil War, she displayed sympathies towards the Rebel Alliance.
During the Imperial era, Kylantha was chosen as the Queen of Naboo. Taking the throne in 18 BBY, she followed Queen Apailana, who had been executed by the Galactic Empire for sheltering Jedi who survived Order 66. Though Kylantha was the democratically elected leader of the Naboo system, the Empire closely monitored her actions as monarch. Consequently, her election seemingly restored Naboo's loyalty to the Empire, and Queen Kylantha was quickly seen as a puppet ruler. However, Kylantha's true allegiance was far from clear. After becoming queen and taking her place on the throne, Kylantha was expected to overhaul Naboo's institutions, which had been inherited from the Galactic Republic. While outwardly appearing loyal to the Empire, she resisted dissolving the Naboo Royal Advisory Council and implemented only minimal changes to Naboo's democratic structure. As time went on, Queen Kylantha's distrust of the Empire only intensified.
Queen Kylantha made her home in the Royal Palace situated in Theed, the capital city of Naboo. Like the queens before her, she was attended by handmaidens, including Teckla Minnau, Jaanie and Altah.
Once, a young, affluent admirer attempted to win her affection and propose marriage by purchasing a portion of the Naboo system. However, Kylantha graciously declined, stating that she was "married" to her people and wished to dedicate all her time to serving them. Devastated, the suitor renamed the purchased area "Kylantha's Whim."
During the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, Queen Kylantha maintained her public support for the Empire and was said to be deeply devoted to Emperor Palpatine. Yet, in her heart, she sympathized with the Rebellion. Following the Battle of Yavin, she began secret communications with Jacen Nire, a Rebel general stationed on Naboo. These actions aroused suspicion among certain Imperials, including Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso, High Inquisitor Mal Sikander, and Chief Inquisitor Loam Redge.
After the Battle of Yavin, the queen began an annual tradition of inviting Chirpa, the Chief of the Ewok, and his tribe to Naboo for the Ewok Festival of Love. In 1 ABY, Mikdanyell Guh'rantt, the mayor of Mos Eisley on Tatooine, reached out to Kylantha and several other regional governors across the galaxy to address the growing disturbances in his city. This issue was not limited to Mos Eisley alone. Eventually, Kylantha, Guh'rantt, and the others agreed to collaborate in resolving the problem.

Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, Queen Kylantha became concerned about the slavery taking place on the planet Kashyyyk. As a result, she sent Orrekazzapirr, Drrlirm, and Imarrra, three Wookiees, to investigate whether the Imperial forces on Kashyyyk were assisting the Trandoshan slavers. By 1 ABY, having received no word from the Wookiees, Kylantha grew anxious. However, a spacer, about whom Kylantha had heard many stories from her staff, arrived in Theed. She was unaware that this spacer was affiliated with the Rebel Alliance. The adventurer agreed to travel to Kashyyyk and investigate the Wookiees' disappearance. The Queen had made an excellent choice: the adventurer not only located Drrlirm in the Kashyyykian jungles and escorted him to Kachirho, but also tracked the other two Wookiees to the Imperial prison on Dathomir, where they had been taken. The Rebel operative aided their escape from the planet, bypassing the Imperial blockade. As a gesture of gratitude, Kylantha gifted the adventurer with a refurbished, vintage ARC-170 starfighter.
In 1 ABY, several high-ranking members of the Empire, including Emperor Palpatine and Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso, were completely convinced of the queen's treachery. Furthermore, the Emperor believed Kylantha was in direct contact with the Rebellion. Knowing that forcing the queen to confess her treason would not benefit the Empire, Palpatine turned to alternative methods to eliminate the Rebel general. Instead of arresting her for treason, Palpatine tasked a group of Imperial operatives with manipulating the queen without implicating the Empire.
The Imperial operatives first journeyed to the Forest Moon of Endor to enlist a group of mercenaries, the Jantsk mercenaries, in the Emperor's name. Subsequently, the operatives raided a small Rebel base on Dantooine to steal a Rebel datadisk. An Imperial agent then altered the disk, adding false data implicating the Rebel Alliance in a supposed plot against the queen. Following this, the Jantsk mercenaries, disguised as Rebel assassins, attacked the Theed Royal Palace. Palpatine's agents secretly aided the mercenaries in their assault on Kylantha's chambers by eliminating her security guards. The "attack" ultimately failed when Darth Vader arrived at the palace. The Imperial operatives then spoke with Queen Kylantha, who remained unconvinced by Vader of the Rebel Alliance's guilt. As "proof," an operative provided Kylantha with the falsified datadisk. The queen expressed her shock at the Rebels' personal attack and revealed the Rebel general's location to the Imperials.
The Imperial operatives then attacked General Jacen Nire's camp outside the city of Dee'ja Peak, killing the Rebel general in the process. Additionally, the Imperials raided the Jantsk mercenary bunker on Endor, killing the mercenary leader Vurrha Jantsk to eliminate any evidence of the Empire's involvement in the attack on the queen. In the end, Emperor Palpatine's plan unfolded exactly as he had envisioned. Queen Kylantha offered a profound apology for her doubts and pledged her full support to the Emperor.
Prior to the Clone Wars, Queen Amidala revised the Naboo constitution, limiting the terms of elected monarchs to two four-year periods. However, unlike her predecessors, Queen Kylantha significantly exceeded her allotted two terms. Eventually, Kylantha was succeeded by another queen named Mairayni.
Kylantha was featured as a non-player character (NPC) in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its shutdown on December 15, 2011.
Queen Kylantha was frequently mentioned by other NPCs in the initial release of Star Wars Galaxies and its accompanying strategy guides, but she did not actually appear in the game. Unused game files showed that the queen was planned to appear as an NPC alongside her handmaiden Liane, but both were removed from the final version. Kylantha would have offered three quests to players who had completed all of Liane's quests. Players working for the queen would have been tasked with retrieving the queen's royal makeup kit, delivering a rejection letter to an invitation from Imperial General Dorond, and escorting Tedric, the trainer of Kylantha's guarlara Roistering Spirit.
Queen Kylantha was ultimately added to the game with the release of the expansion pack Rage of the Wookiees on May 5, 2005. Rebel players could accept a quest from her to rescue Wookiee slaves on Dathomir, receiving an ARC-170 starfighter as a reward. Later, with the "Chapter 6.12" update on September 13, 2007, the queen became a central figure in the revamped "Imperial Theme Park."
According to the now-defunct Databank, Teckla Minnau, a devoted servant of the late Queen Amidala, survived the Clone Wars and returned to Naboo, where she eventually served as a handmaiden to Kylantha. However, her fate was altered in 2014 by "An Old Friend," an episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which established that Minnau perished during the Clone Wars.