Orrekazzapirr, a male Wookiee from the Legends continuity, existed during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Possessing extensive knowledge of Kashyyyk's wilderness survival, he served as an intelligence source for queen Kylantha of Naboo. After 0 BBY, Kylantha enlisted Orrekazzapirr, along with his companions Drrlirm and Imarrra, to journey to their native Kashyyyk. Their mission was to investigate reports indicating that the Galactic Empire forces stationed there were aiding Trandoshan slavers. Upon arriving at Kashyyyk, Orrekazzapirr and his allies attempted to delve into the Trandoshans' slave-trading activities at a camp situated near Kachirho, but they were caught in an ambush and overwhelmed. Orrekazzapirr and Imarra were taken as prisoners to the slaver's encampment. Subsequently, the Trandoshans sold them to the Empire, who then transferred them to their prison facility on Dathomir. The Empire sought to conceal their involvement in the Trandoshans' slave operations on Kashyyyk. Fortunately for Orrekazzapirr and Imarra, queen Kylantha became concerned when she received no communication from them. She then dispatched a seasoned adventurer to investigate their disappearance. The adventurer located the injured Drrlirm in the jungles and eventually uncovered their imprisonment on Dathomir. After successfully navigating the Imperial blockade surrounding the planet and landing, the spacer managed to infiltrate the prison and facilitate the escape of Orrekazzapirr and Imarra. Imarra was aware of the location of a Rebel hideout on the planet, where an old ship was stored. The two Wookiees managed to reach the hangar and used the vintage ARC-170 starfighter to flee the planet. With Imarra piloting and Orrekazzapirr manning the gunner's position, they rendezvoused with the spacer's starship. Together, they breached the Imperial blockade and made their escape to Naboo.
Orrekazzapirr functioned as a non-player character within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts. His initial appearance occurred in the game's second expansion pack, entitled Rage of the Wookiees, which was released in 2005. The game's servers were ultimately shut down on December 15, 2011. During the To the Queen's Aid quest, players were tasked with journeying to Kashyyyk in order to locate the missing Wookiees. Ultimately, players would discover that Orrekazzapirr and Imarrra were being held captive on Dathomir. Players were then required to escort them out of the prison to successfully conclude the quest. The subsequent phase of the mission unfolded in the space surrounding Dathomir, involving the destruction of several Imperial starfighters before the quest could be considered complete.