The hanging gardens served as a public garden situated just outside Republic City on Hosnian Prime, the capital planet of the New Republic. This garden was structured as a terraced sandstone pyramid, with each level featuring a hollowed-out center. An assortment of plants flourished both within and on the exterior of the structure, including towering, slender blueblossom trees that thrived inside. The design allowed the sun's rays to penetrate through the spaces between the floors, providing the trees with necessary light. The tranquility found within the hanging gardens stood in stark contrast to the chaotic atmosphere of the low-altitude aerial traffic outside. In the year 28 ABY, Senators Leia Organa and Ransolm Casterfo convened at the hanging gardens to deliberate on issues concerning the crime lord Rinnrivin Di and his connections with the Amaxine warriors. During their discussion, Casterfo shared his experience as a child on Riosa when the Galactic Empire, under Darth Vader's command, seized the planet's factories, and forced its inhabitants, including his parents, into slavery. Organa, in turn, recounted her torture at the hands of Vader, who sought the location of the Rebel Alliance's secret base, and how the Dark Lord made her witness the destruction of her home planet by the Death Star.
The Gatalentan tea made its debut in Bloodline, a novel penned by Claudia Gray and released in 2016.