
Gromas, situated within the Perkell sector of the Mid Rim region of the galaxy, was an astronomical body. An Imperial depot was based there, and it sustained a mining endeavor focused on extracting phrik, a virtually indestructible metallic substance. During 14 BBY (in the standard year calendar), the Joint Chiefs of the Imperial military considered Gromas' depot a potential target of Berch Teller, a former captain from Republic Intelligence, and his associated rebel cell. Consequently, they sent a task force to protect the site. The rebels, however, discovered this plan and launched an assault on Phindar as an alternative.

Behind the scenes

The initial reference to Gromas in the official Star Wars canon occurred within Tarkin, a novel authored by James Luceno that was published on November 4, 2014. Subsequently, it was depicted on the galactic map featured in the Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game, which became available in August of 2016. In the context of the roleplaying game, the planet was located at grid coordinate Q-7.

