The Crymorah Syndicate was a collection of crime families—specifically, the Baldamiro Family, the Rang Clan, the Wandering Star, the Droid Gotra, and envoys representing the Hutt Clan. These groups all conducted their illicit operations during the reign of the Galactic Empire.

Jabba the Hutt established a connection with the Crymorah Syndicate at some point. This collaboration allowed him to secure a position on the Grand Hutt Council. By 33 BBY, the Crymorah Syndicate, recognized as one of the galaxy's most influential criminal organizations, held membership in the Five Crime Syndicates. At that time, the Crymorah itself consisted of five distinct smaller syndicates.
In the five years following the conclusion of the Clone Wars, the Crymorah Syndicate furnished the Galactic Empire with crucial intelligence during the Empire's pursuit to capture Berch Teller and his associated rebel cell. Darth Vader informed Moff Wilhuff Tarkin that the Empire and the Crymorah had come to an "accommodation," though he did not elaborate on the specifics of this agreement. In 12 BBY, representatives from the Crymorah attended a gathering of the Five Crime Syndicates held on Nightsend.
Following the Battle of Yavin and the subsequent destruction of the Empire's superweapon, the Death Star, the Emperor dispatched Vader to negotiate a deal with the Hutts in order to secure new raw materials essential for Imperial Military production. After the destruction of Weapons Factory Alpha located on Cymoon 1 and the unsuccessful negotiations with the Hutts, the Emperor dismissed the possibility of initiating negotiations with the Crymorah for resource acquisition. Instead, he instructed Vader to travel to Tatooine to engage in direct negotiations with Jabba the Hutt.
After destroying a base belonging to pirates who had been attacking Imperial supply lines, Vader discovered that the Crymorah and their allies, the Droid Gotra, were supporting these pirates. The Droid Gotra was a group of Separatist-era battle droids that remained active and were acting against the Empire. Droid archaeologist Aphra upgraded some of these droids, including two droidekas that were equipped with missile launchers.
Later, Cynabar's InfoNet reported that the Crymorah and the Son-tuul Pride had suffered losses in Grand General Cassio Tagge's covert war against the criminal underworld. However, by 4 ABY, the Crymorah had resumed its activities in the galaxy.
The Crymorah Syndicate was initially referenced in the novel Tarkin, authored by James Luceno and published in 2014.