The term Five Crime Syndicates, sometimes called Five Families of Crime, was used to describe a group of criminal organizations operating within the galaxy. The composition of these Five Families evolved over years.
By 33 BBY, a coalition referred to as the Five Crime Syndicates, or Five Families of Crime, held significant control over the galactic underworld, establishing themselves as the five most influential criminal organizations in the galaxy. In that year, the Hutt Clan and the Crymorah Syndicate were included in this group. By 29 BBY, the Pyke Syndicate and Black Sun had joined the Hutts and Crymorah as members of the Five.

During the Imperial Era, Crimson Dawn became a member of the Five, alongside Black Sun, the Crymorah Syndicate, the Hutt Clan, and the Pyke Syndicate. Despite being known as the Five, the smaller Son-tuul Pride also participated as a sixth member. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, the rogue Sith Lord Maul seized control of these syndicates. While this arrangement generated substantial wealth, silencing those who might criticize Maul, dissenters remained who were unhappy with Maul's control, feeling that he "kept them under his boot." However, any open expressions of discontent were quickly suppressed.
Maul secretly led Crimson Dawn, which was widely regarded as the most powerful and dangerous of the syndicates. Under Maul's direction, the syndicates were forbidden from engaging in open warfare with each other, maintaining a fragile alliance. Although Crimson Dawn was hesitant to risk it, infighting among the factions was not uncommon. However, such conflicts were kept hidden under Maul's rule. Maul's influence waned when he was stranded on Malachor and later slain in 2 BBY, allowing the syndicates to resume open warfare if tensions escalated.
After Supreme Leader Snoke took control of the First Order, the Master Codebreaker published an updated list of powerful syndicates in the Smuggler's Guide. Black Sun lost its position and became a vigo diaspora, the Crymorah was replaced by the Droid Gotra, Crimson Dawn was replaced by both the Son-tuul Pride and the Guavian Death Gang, and the Pykes and Hutts were replaced by Kanjiklub and the Red Key Raiders.