The officers who served the rebellion, which later became the Alliance to Restore the Republic's military and subsequently the New Republic's Defense Force, utilized Rebel command insignia as a form of military rank identification.
These insignia, which originated from the Alderaan military, were characterized by pips set against a brushed-metal background. To illustrate, the captain's insignia featured two dots of equal size, aligned vertically, as seen on Captain Hera Syndulla of the rebellion, and Captain Cassian Andor of the Alliance.
A badge displaying five dots in a quincunx pattern was worn by individuals such as Draven and Rieekan. Luke Skywalker, in his capacity as a commander, sported a rank badge with three blue dots, the bottom row consisting of two dots. The badge of Major Bren Derlin consisted of three red dots, two positioned on the upper row with the third located below and centered.
The The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook roleplaying book from Legends stated that pip color corresponded to service branch, with blue for navy and red for army. Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, a canon reference book, kept this idea to a degree. However, other canon sources show plaques with both colors, like that of General Willard. Captain Cassian Jeron Andor is seen wearing green rank insignia in Rogue One, suggesting that green is the standard rank color for officers in Intelligence.