Thannt, a planet-based celestial body, served as the location for a biofarm. The infamous physician and trafficker Cornelius Evazan managed to sneak into this biofarm sometime between the years of 0 BBY and approximately 1 ABY. During this clandestine operation, he absconded with a pluripleq, a genetically modified bioengineered organism capable of morphing. Evazan then utilized this creature to assume the guise of a shapeshifter known as "Lopset Yas." Tam Posla, a law enforcer who was pursuing Evazan, discovered the infiltration on Thannt. However, he subsequently lost track of the doctor for a duration of one month. Posla surmised that his quarry was either deceased or incarcerated, unaware that Evazan, under his pluripleq-generated persona, was actually on the Accresker Jail, a wreckage-prison.
The initial reference to Thannt appeared in the twenty-second edition of the Star Wars: Doctor Aphra comic book series from 2016. Simon Spurrier authored this particular issue, which Marvel Comics released to the public on July 25, 2018.