Tiferep Major

Tiferep Major, often shortened to Tiferep, was a terrestrial planet adorned with a ringed system. It resided within the Mid Rim Territories and the Western Reaches regions. Boasting a population of 2 billion, a significant portion, approximately two-thirds, held sympathies for the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. Subsequent to the decommissioning of the wreckage-prison known as Accresker Jail due to an outbreak of gundravian hookspore around 1 ABY, the Galactic Empire strategically altered the facility's trajectory, setting it on a collision course with Tiferep Major with the intention of eliminating the resident rebels.

Just seconds before Accresker Jail's impact, the Sith Lord Darth Vader intervened, halting its descent using a powerful tractor beam. His objective was to board the prison in pursuit of the elusive archaeologist Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra. Concurrently, the Rebel Alliance initiated an evacuation of its forces from the doomed planet. Following Vader's abandonment of his search, the tractor beam was deactivated, leading to the prison's catastrophic collision with Tiferep Major, resulting in planetary devastation.


Tiferep Major was located in the Mid Rim Territories.

Tiferep Major, often called Tiferep, was a life-sustaining terrestrial planet situated where the Mid Rim Territories and the Western Reaches met. Its location at grid square L-17 on the Standard Galactic Grid provided hyperspace route connections to Onod I and the Chroman Labor Pits. The planetary surface consisted of continents surrounded by vast oceans, all veiled by a dynamic atmosphere. Tiferep Major possessed two orbiting moons and a distinctive planetary ring system, which was significantly disrupted by the impact of Accresker Jail. This impact event created a massive crater, fracturing the planet's surface and generating a field of asteroids from the resulting debris.


Rebel stronghold

Accresker Jail falls toward Tiferep Major.

During the Galactic Civil War, Tiferep Major served as a crucial base for the Rebellion against the Galactic Empire. A substantial portion of its population actively supported the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Around 1 ABY, the wreckage-prison Accresker Jail experienced a gundravian hookspores outbreak, first discovered by Chelli Lona Aphra, a prisoner and rogue archaeologist. Accresker command responded to the infectious fungus, which also contained Force abilities from a dead Jedi, by decommissioning the prison and evacuating personnel via escape pods.

Subsequently, the Empire directed Accresker Jail toward Tiferep Major, aiming to eliminate both the rebel presence and the hookspore infestation. Captain-Inspector Magna Tolvan, trapped aboard the jail while attempting to rescue Aphra, contacted Imperial Sector Control to halt the planetstrike. Sector Control dismissed Tolvan's plea, believing her to be a rebel imposter, and Accresker Jail continued its descent.

The fall of Accresker Jail

As Accresker Jail approached Tiferep Major's ring system, only ten minutes remained until impact. When the prison was mere seconds from the surface, Darth Vader, aboard the Super Star Destroyer Executor, intervened with a tractor beam. The Dark Lord of the Sith, secretly contacted by Tolvan, sought the individual who had reached out to him. Vader boarded the prison while it was suspended above Tiferep Major.

Tiferep Major is struck by Accresker Jail.

Sana Starros, a former associate of Aphra who was also trapped on the prison after a failed attempt to extract her for the Rebel Alliance, escaped Accresker via escape pod. She then summoned reinforcements to Tiferep Major. The Rebellion capitalized on this distraction to evacuate rebel forces while Vader searched Accresker Jail. Vader briefly engaged the escaping rebels before abandoning his search, leaving the prison without Aphra.

Following Vader's departure, the tractor beam was deactivated, and Accresker Jail resumed its fall, piercing Tiferep Major's ring system. The impact of the wreckage-prison devastated the planet, leaving behind a massive crater.


Tiferep Major was home to a population of 2 billion, with 67 percent supporting the Alliance to Restore the Republic. These rebel inhabitants were evacuated prior to Accresker Jail's impact.

Behind the scenes

Tiferep Major was initially referenced, though not directly, in the twenty-second issue of the 2016 Star Wars: Doctor Aphra comic series. Written by Simon Spurrier and published by Marvel Comics on July 25, 2018. The planet made its first proper appearance, with identification, in the twenty-third issue, also penned by Spurrier, with pencils by Kev Walker, and released by Marvel on August 22, 2018.

