Doctor Aphra number 25 represents the twenty-fifth installment of the Star Wars: Doctor Aphra comic book series. This comic was penned by Simon Spurrier, brought to life visually by Kev Walker, and distributed by Marvel Comics on October 24, 2018. The narrative within this issue is entitled "The Catastrophe Con Part VI," and it follows Doctor Aphra's efforts to escape from Accresker Jail while being hunted by Triple-Zero, Tam Posla, and Darth Vader.
PREPARE FOR THE IMPERIAL MARCH! After a series of betrayals throughout her life, all of DOCTOR APHRA's problems are finally catching up to her. Murderous droids, Force-sensitive spores, heartbroken lovers, and revenge-seeking law enforcement officers — but these all pale in comparison to the looming, dark figure that now confronts her. HE HAS ARRIVED.
As Darth Vader massacres the prisoners who are doomed aboard Accresker Jail, Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra tells Magna Tolvan that the mairan Bor Ifriem has the capability to not only read minds, but also to alter them and erase memories. Aphra deduces that the only way to prevent Vader from searching for everyone she might have confided in regarding his conspiracy is to have her memories wiped. Tolvan refuses to allow her friend to lose her memories and suggests BT-1 could slow Vader down.
Knowing the capabilities of the Sith Lord, Aphra disagrees with this course of action. As Vader obliterates BT-1, Tolvan proposes that she should be the one to have her memories wiped instead of Aphra. Tolvan states that Vader is present because of her. By erasing her memories, she believes there will be no one for Vader to pursue or hold accountable. Tolvan concedes that this plan is not perfect but expresses her love for Aphra. Despite Aphra's objections, Tolvan insists that it is an order. Aphra attempts to dissuade Tolvan from this plan, but Tolvan is resolute, warning that Aphra does not possess the same understanding of Vader as she does. With reluctance, Aphra prepares Tolvan for the procedure. Bo Ifriem proceeds to erase Tolvan's memories.
Eleven minutes later, Lord Vader discovers the amnesiac Tolvan and questions her about Aphra. The Sith Lord even throws the Imperial inspector against the ceiling. Aphra observes Vader's cruel interrogation from three decks below, fearing for her friend's safety. However, she is ambushed by a vengeful Lopset Yas, who is enraged at Aphra for betraying him, and the bounty hunter Tam Posla, who has uncovered her deception.
Posla tries to apprehend Aphra in the name of the Milvayne Judiciary, but Aphra activates the green Jedi lightsaber. However, the lightsaber fails to function properly due to being covered in space mold for two millennia. Posla notes that Aphra has been defeated by the very "object of her avarice," which she sees as poetic justice. Before Posla can arrest Aphra, he is stabbed from behind by 0-0-0's ("Triple Zero") three-pronged blade arm.
Triple Zero ridicules Posla for his failure before shifting his attention to Dr Aphra. He scolds Aphra for ignoring him, threatening to gouge out her eyes. However, Aphra is captivated by the hologram recording of Tolvan confessing that Aphra survived Vader's execution. Tolvan states that she assisted Aphra because she loved her. Tolvan then alleges that Aphra betrayed her and left her to die and that she murdered her for the Empire. Tolvan also asserts that she was trying to protect Vader's secret. After Vader strikes Tolvan down, Tolvan claims that she killed Aphra. Believing Aphra to be dead, Vader asks if Tolvan summoned her only to save herself and dismisses her as disappointing.
When questioned by the bloodthirsty Triple Zero, Aphra informs the droid that Tolvan volunteered to have her memories erased. Triple Zero is unable to comprehend the concept of love and sacrifice and belittles Tolvan for living a miserable life. Meanwhile, Lord Vader instructs his Imperial officers to bring Tolvan aboard the shuttle and escort her to his chambers for further questioning. After Vader senses the presence of the hookworm spores, he decides to postpone his return to his Super Star Destroyer Executor and directs the officers to await his return.
Tolvan, who is gagged, attempts to communicate with the guards using combat stealth signals. One of the guards, an Ensign, notices that she is inquiring with the major whether they always park their squad near the shuttle. The major instructs him to disregard the prisoner. Their shuttle is destroyed by a squadron of Rebel Alliance X-wing and A-wing starfighters led by Tan Leader. Tan Leader reports that General Hera Syndulla has completed the evacuation of rebel forces on Tiferep.
Since the Empire has paused Accresker Jail's collision, the rebels have decided to capitalize on the time window. Starros has recovered her damaged Volt Cobra but warns the Alliance to anticipate a repair bill in the near future. Starros observes a red light approaching Tan Leader's X-wing and attempts to alert them. However, her warning is too late, and Darth Vader's lightsaber pierces the canopy of the starfighter, killing the pilot and destroying the ship. Due to Vader's presence, rebel forces instruct Starros to avoid contact with Vader in order to prevent a recurrence of the events of the Battle of Vrogas Vas.
Vader battles the hookworm spores, which have assumed the form of the dead Jedi. Vader dismisses the hookworm spores as a mere echo and an urge devoid of will. After defeating the spores with his Force powers, he commands the Executor to dispatch another shuttle to evacuate him. Believing Aphra to be deceased, he orders his crew to deactivate the tractor beam and send Accresker Jail on a collision course with Tiferep Major. Elsewhere, Starros and rebel troopers rescue the injured Tolvan from the debris of the shuttle.
Meanwhile, Triple Zero has captured Aphra and is returning to his ship only to find it destroyed. He calls out for BT-1 only to be informed by Lopset Yas that BT-1 was destroyed in a confrontation with Vader. Poslet has located the astromech droid's parts. Lopset suggests that they could use Posla's ship, but Triple Zero demands to know what he meant when his ship was destroyed. Lopset instead electrocutes Triple Zero with a blaster, incapacitating the droid. Aphra is about to thank Yopset for saving her life but is stunned by Lopset. Lopset departs with Aphra and the droids before Accresker Jail crashes into Tiferep Major, causing a cataclysmic wave of destruction. Vader informs an RA-7 protocol droid that Aphra has perished, unaware that she is still alive.
Aboard Posla's stolen ship, Dr Aphra awakens to find herself handcuffed to a bunk. Lopset assures her that she is safe while working on the disabled Triple Zero's metallic body. Lopset reveals that his name is a pseudonym and that he is not actually a shapeshifter. He reveals that he is actually Dr Cornelius Evazan, who has been assuming false identities using a Pluripleq, a bioengineered squid-like creature. Evazan quips that Posla had his target all along but did not realize the deception. A shocked and horrified Aphra swears.
Dr Evazan praises Triple Zero's processors, which were designed to prevent moral reasoning. He describes the droid as being programmed to be evil. Dr Evazan is fascinated by the malevolent droid. When Aphra recalls that Evazan claimed that he was an electrician while posing as Lopset, Evazan describes himself as a "cyborganic artist" and reveals that he has removed his proximity bomb and placed it inside Triple Zero's personality core. He also reveals that he has linked Aphra's proximity bomb to Triple Zero's one. If she attempts to tamper with their explosives, they will die.
When Aphra asks why Dr Evazan would do this to them, Evazan replies that he is trying to explore the depths of beauty and ugliness. He wonders if monstrosity is inherent or if it is something learned. Dr Evazan compliments Aphra's mother Lona Aphra's saying that "evil is just a measure of how much your choices take away other people's choices." He decides to test this thesis on Aphra and Triple Zero. Evazan's Aqualish friend Ponda Baba enters the room. Evazan tells Ponda that he plans to watch Aphra and Triple Zero attempt to escape their explosives for entertainment after reactivating Triple Zero. While Evazan says that Aphra and Triple Zero were made for each other, Aphra sheds a tear.
Due to an error during the printing process, pages 2–3 and 28–29 of Doctor Aphra 25 were mistakenly included in some second print editions of the Marvel comic book Return of Wolverine 1.
- UPC 759606086290; October 24 , 2018 ; Marvel Comics [1] 02511; Cover A; Ashley Witter 02521; Cover B; Rod Reis