A-wing could be one of several things:

- A-wing starfighter: The R-22 Spearhead, which was the initial prototype employed by the Tammuz-an planetary defense fleet. The RZ-1 A-wing interceptor, which was utilized by the Alliance to Restore the Republic and is generally called the "A-wing." The RZ-1T trainer, which is a version of the RZ-1 A-wing interceptor that includes a second seat for an instructor. The RZ-2 A-wing interceptor, which is a newer version used in the First Order-Resistance War.
- Aurek-class tactical strikefighter: This starfighter of the Galactic Republic during the Old Republic era was also informally called an "A-wing".
- Eta-5 interceptor: An interceptor used by the Galactic Alliance during the Second Galactic Civil War that was occasionally called an "A-Wing".
- R-22 Spearhead: A precursor to the RZ-1 A-wing interceptor that was used before the Battle of Yavin, and some Rebel pilots called it "A-wing."
- RZ-1 A-wing interceptor: An interceptor flown by the Alliance to Restore the Republic and successor governments, and it is commonly referred to as "A-wing."
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