The Penumbra-1 shattersprite is a ship of legend, said to have been used by the early Jedi. Tales recount its use in an attack against the Ordu Aspectu citadel, followed by a hasty retreat as the station vanished. Later, Chelli, as a member of the Accresker Penal Legion in 1 ABY, discovered the gundeck of a Penumbra-1 within Accresker Jail. She surmised the derelict had been part of the prison complex for centuries and suspected it held Force-sensitive artifacts.

The Penumbra-1 shattersprite was a stocky starship characterized by its two substantial wings, each containing weaponry and a small sublight engine, along with two larger engines situated at the rear of its fuselage. Furthermore, the vessel featured a cockpit designed for a single occupant.
Legend states that the early Jedi employed the Penumbra-1 shattersprite. Stories concerning the Ordu Aspectu, a splinter group of the Jedi, depict these starships participating in an attack against them, which ultimately resulted in the disappearance of their citadel.
Many centuries prior to the Galactic Civil Wars, a Jedi piloting a Penumbra-1 shattersprite became infected with the highly contagious fungus known as the Gundravian hookspores. The Jedi perished soon after, and the ship crashed, eventually becoming integrated into the wreckage-prison that was Accresker Jail. In 1 ABY, Chelli Aphra, a member of the prison's penal legion, stumbled upon the Penumbra-1 shattersprite and the corpse of its Jedi pilot while attempting an escape. After freezing the Gundravian hookspores, she managed to scavenge the wrecked vessel, taking the Jedi's lightsaber.
The Penumbra-1 shattersprite made its debut in flashbacks within the second issue of the 2016 comic series Star Wars: Doctor Aphra, penned by Kieron Gillen, illustrated by Kev Walker, and released on December 21 of that year. The ship's designation was revealed in the twenty-first issue of the series, authored by Simon Spurrier, again with illustrations by Walker, and published on July 25, 2018.