Korin Aphra

Korin Aphra, existing during the Age of the Empire, was a human male. As the father of Chelli Lona Aphra, his daughter was born in 24 BBY with his wife, who was Lona Aphra. During the time of the Clone Wars, Chelli and her mother relocated to Arbiflux, where her mother met her death. He was known as a devoted scholar.


Early life

Korin Aphra held a strong interest in the Jedi, notably the Ordu Aspectu. He pursued his studies at his home situated in the University Quarter on the Second Moon of Thrinittik, residing there alongside his daughter Chelli Aphra and her mother Lona Aphra. He authored a report concerning Oo'ob and the construction of the Farkiller weapon. However, his dedication to Jedi research led to him overlooking Chelli and Lona.

Korin was distracted by his research, leading him to neglect his family

One evening, Korin was scrutinizing some memory crystals, acquired through bribes given to certain librarians. These crystals held information about "The crimes of the Jedi renegade Oo'ob the Apostate." Unbeknownst to him, Chelli, who was supposed to be under his care, suffered a cut. Lona expressed her annoyance at Korin's absorption in his studies, but he contended that he could uncover the Citadel of Garn and illuminate the galaxy. Lona attempted to remind him of the potential consequences if his research was discovered, but he disregarded her concerns. As a result, Lona opted to depart with Chelli. Initially, Korin was unaware of their departure, assuming they had gone shopping when they did not return for dinner.

Lona brought Chelli to Arbiflux, where she raised her. During a raid on their house, Lona was killed, but before her death, she contacted the Galactic Empire, providing them with all the information she possessed. The Empire rescued Chelli and returned her to Korin. Upon Chelli's return to Korin's residence on the Second Moon of Thrinittik, she started setting fire to his research materials. Korin arrived to witness the scene, shocked, and Chelli informed him about Lona's death and cautioned him that an Imperial psychologist had suggested she might have some mental health concerns.

Reunion with Chelli

Korin informs Chelli that her degree is invald.

While Chelli ultimately earned a doctorate from the Archaeological Association, Korin discovered from the Sava of her university that she might have implanted abersyn symbiotes on Boothi XII to fabricate a discovery. He disclosed sufficient information to the Archaeological Association's board to prompt an investigation into the possibility of Chelli's falsified discovery. Consequently, her doctorate was suspended. When Chelli learned of this while attempting to sell a recovered artifact on Archaeo-Prime, Korin confronted her. He revealed that he had ensured her doctorate was revoked so she would assist him in locating the Citadel of Rur.

Chelli guided him back to her ship, the Ark Angel II, where she aimed a blaster at him. Korin, confident that she would not harm him, allowed her assassin droid Triple-Zero to display his array of torture instruments. Before he could be harmed, she changed her mind and inquired why she should assist him. He explained that he possessed new data and shared his theory about the Ordu Aspectu when Triple-Zero inquired about their nature. He posited that their pursuit of immortality had succeeded, and if he could locate the Citadel, it would trigger an awakening of the Force in the galaxy. Chelli speculated that Korin's interpretation might be incorrect, and the Ordu Aspectu prophecy could simply be a mistranslation. However, Korin persuaded her to join him, explaining that if the Ordu Aspectu was not a positive force, there might be an ancient weapon within the Citadel from which she could profit.

Gathering readings

Korin directed Chelli to the location where he could obtain the necessary readings, but he withheld further information due to his distrust of her. He was unaware that the location, Yavin 4, was under Imperial control due to Rebel activity on the moon. The group landed on Yavin 4 and observed several platoons of Imperial troops. While Chelli attempted to devise a plan to enter the temple, her father inquired about current events. She explained the Battle of Yavin and the destruction of the Death Star. Korin confessed that he believed it was all fabricated rumors and fictional stories. Chelli expressed her frustration at his detachment from reality, as he was unaware of the destruction of Alderaan or that she had worked for Darth Vader.

Chelli dispatched Krrsantan to create a diversion to draw the troops away from the Massassi Temple so Korin could enter and obtain his readings. He voiced concern about the Wookiee, but Chelli assured him he would be safe. Once Triple-Zero and his fellow droid accomplice, BT-1, entered the temple and opened the ventilation hatches, Korin and Chelli infiltrated it. While descending a rope, Korin dropped a Massassi piece he was carrying. After Chelli retrieved the piece, he explained that he had been planning to locate the Ordu Aspectu for a considerable time. As they navigated towards the section of the Temple where Korin could acquire the data he needed, he expressed concern that the Rebels would establish their headquarters in a site of historical significance.

Upon reaching a room just below the summit, he instructed Chelli to insert the crystals into the corresponding slots to obtain the Citadel's location. After inserting all the crystals, Korin was disappointed when nothing appeared to happen, and Chelli began to criticize him for squandering his life on a futile pursuit and neglecting her. BT-1 directed their attention to the sky outside, where beams of light emanated from all the structures within the complex.

Korin proceeded to collect the readings necessary to locate the Citadel and departed with the rest of the crew. Before they could exit the building, they encountered a group of stormtroopers and were forced to flee, preventing Korin from retrieving the crystal artifacts he had used to activate the beacon. Aphra instructed BT-1 to slow down the troopers, and the droid launched grenades at the approaching squad. As the group ran outside, they were confronted by an AT-AT walker. Behind them, stormtroopers, led by Captain Magna Tolvan, arrived, and Tolvan questioned their presence on the moon. As Aphra attempted to defuse the situation, the Ark Angel, piloted by Black Krrsantan, arrived, and Korin boarded it, pulling Chelli aboard with him. As the group fled under Imperial fire, Korin suggested to his daughter that if she had stayed away from fieldwork, she'd probably be tenured at a university.

Exploring the citadel

Arrival at the Rur Citadel

Once in space, Korin provided the coordinates to locate the Citadel. Upon arriving at the designated point in space, he was awestruck by the Citadel's appearance. The ship landed, and Korin approached the facility's entrance, discovering the ancient skeletons of Jedi. Korin began examining the remains. Noting that Jedi were typically cremated, he surmised that these had perished in agony, unless the Ordu Aspectu had a different custom. While he examined the remains, Chelli began looting them. He was taken aback, but she explained that she had debts to settle. The group ventured deeper into the facility, and Korin managed to activate the generator using the majority of his remaining Ordu crystals.

While Triple-Zero and BT-1 went to retrieve the crystal modulator from the Ark Angel, Korin and the rest of the group journeyed towards the core in search of the computer core. Chelli voiced her concern about the opening below, which directly led to space, and Korin asserted that the Ordu intended to show their followers the insignificance of their existence compared to the "majesty of space." Before they could locate the computer core, however, Krrsantan pushed Korin and Chelli into cover as snowtroopers, led by Captain Tolvan, arrived. Krrsantan then shielded Chelli and Korin as they fled into the core. Crossing a force bridge, they sought refuge behind an elevator that led to the core, and Triple-Zero informed them via comms that Krrsantan had returned to the Ark Angle and was abandoning them.

Chelli fired at the controls for the force bridge, causing several approaching troopers to plummet into the void of space. She and Korin then ascended to the computer core, where they discovered the corpse of Rur. Korin attempted to reboot the Citadel's computer but was missing a crystal, which prevented it from functioning. Disheartened, he explained that his interest in the Ordu was an effort to restore light to the galaxy. He acknowledged that he was not a warrior but hoped that by restoring the Ordu, he could create a safe environment for Chelli to grow up in. Korin told his daughter that her mother wanted to find a place in the middle of nowhere and live their lives, and disagreed with Korin's plan to find and restore the Ordu.

Korin came to the realization that while both he and Lona had been striving to do what was best for Chelli, they had ultimately been inadequate parents. He then recounted how he had learned of Chelli's deception in completing her doctorate and began to explain how she could get her credentials back. She interrupted him and presented him with a crystal she had discovered on Rur's corpse. Chelli informed him that restarting the computer would grant him access to the Ordu Aspectu's data but that it might be perilous. Korin inserted the crystal and restarted the computer, which caused Eternal Rur, a duplicate of Rur's conscience, to reactivate.

Uncovering the truth

Eternal Rur began inquiring about the current date, and Chelli proposed a deal in which he would elucidate what had transpired with the Ordu Aspectu. Eternal Rur then threatened to torture her and Korin, but she reminded him that it was a slow process. Consequently, Eternal Rur commenced his narrative, detailing how Rur had desired to replicate his intellect but instead transferred his conscience to a Kyber crystal. He further explained that he believed a false conscience was inside Rur's body, and decided to kill him and the rest of the Ordu Aspectu, although Rur had removed one of the crystals from the control core, deactivating him. Once Eternal Rur provided a calendar he was familiar with, the Domancion Accord, Korin was able to deduce that he had been deactivated for a millennium.

Enraged, Eternal Rur commanded one of his droids to assault Korin, resulting in an injury to his leg. He and Chelli retreated down the elevator from the computer core, although they remained trapped due to the absence of crystals to activate the Force bridge. Korin suggested Chelli return to the computer core and destroy the console and take the crystal from there. He cautioned her that it would likely destroy the station and expressed sadness that it would likely eliminate the last vestiges of the Ordu. After Chelli wrecked the console and took the Rur Crystal, which contained Eternal Rur, she moved her dad found Tolvan and her troopers being overran by the droids being controlled by Eternal Rur. Aphra used a crystal to reactivate the force bridge and then deactivate it when Tolvan crossed, separating the Captain from the droids.

Korin defends his daughter.

Tolvan signaled for her ship to fly over and she, Korin and Chelli boarded it. Tolvan called to her pilots to take off before finding them dead. As Chelli and Tolvan scrambled to launch the ship themselves, an RA-7 protocol droid, possessed by Eternal Rur, attacked Tolvan. Aphra took control of the ship and flew it away from the citadel as it exploded. The RA-7 protocol droid was released from control of Eternal Rur and Tolvan drew her blaster on Chelli. Korin then stabbed Tolvan with a lightsaber, incapacitating her.

Korin and Chelli subsequently dropped Tolvan off on a remote planet. He commented that Chelli had bad taste in women. They then went to find somewhere to securely store the Rur crystal and delivered it to Quarantine World III, although, to Korin's ignorance, Chelli had actually handed over a fake and kept the real crystal to sell. On their way to get rid of the stolen Imperial shuttle, he talked to Chelli about not looking to the past for deliverance and agreed to sort out her doctorate suspension.

Captured by the Empire

Korin persisted in his pursuit of religious history. When he attempted to enter Asteroid Helix 13-v to investigate what he thought may have been a Force cult, he was intercepted by members of the Rebel Alliance, who provided him with rations and instructed him to leave. Korin refused, prompting them to point their blasters at him to force his departure. Korin also had the opportunity to witness the prayer-oolites forming aurorae above Piu when the Annual Giganism impacted the troposphere.

At least two years after his adventure to the Citadel of Rur, Korin was on Ash Moon 1 in the Kartovian Formation, where pilgrims of the Central Isopter were staying. However, Imperial forces, led by Darth Vader and General Maximilian Veers, arrived aboard the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Executor in search of rebels. When they found none, they began to use the pilgrims as target practice. Korin attempted to flee, making spontaneous claims like knowing Jedi Mind Tricks. He was swiftly apprehended by Veers, and his stormtroopers discovered the rebel issue ration packs he had been given.

Veers had Korin taken onto the Executor to be interrogated. After Vader was informed of the capture, he entered the interrogation cell, bringing Chelli, who had been working on the Executor as an archaeologist, with him. Vader Force choked Korin, who was still masked, asking him where the Rebel Alliance's secret base was located and threatening a slow death if he did not answer. Korin answered with a Jedi apothegm, which Chelli recognized and Vader ordered for interrogation specialists. As Chelli questioned Korin's knowledge, Vader removed his helmet, revealing his identity to his daughter. After Vader released Korin, Chelli tried to convince him that her father was harmless. Korin questioned Chelli's presence on the Executor, but they were interrupted as the interrogation droids arrived. They were none other than Triple-Zero and BT-1, who had been captured and enslaved for Vader's use.

Vader ordered the pair of droids to find out what Korin knew about the rebels and not let Chelli intervene. Chelli prompted Korin to tell them "everything" and Korin began telling stories of a religious prophet, not realizing it was about the rebels. Chelli expressed her frustration that Korin was still chasing "religious nonsense," saying that she needed him. Korin told her that people did not change and stated that he did not blame Lona was taking her away. Triple-Zero intervened to begin interrogating Korin and Chelli pleaded for him to tell the droid he knew about the rebels. Realizing that it was about the rebels, who he disliked, Korin complied, recounting his encounter on Asteroid Helix 13-v.

Investigating Asteroid Helix 13-v

Chelli and Veers reported back to Vader, and the Dark Lord of the Sith brought her, Korin and BT-1 with him to investigate Asteroid Helix 13-v. After they arrived, Vader left BT-1 to watch Chelli and Korin and Chelli tried to explain to Korin how she came to start working for Vader. Korin, though, was distracted with by what was around them. He believed they were in a traditional archicella for the J'doon school, where pilgrims would come to petition the Force for peace and prosperity.

When he complemented the Empire's technology, Chelli remarked that he sounded like Professor Rupo Ud, one of Vader's archaeologists—until his untimely death to a trap on Ash Moon 1. Korin, whom had met Ud, asked how he was, and Aphra joked that he was let his work get on top of him. Korin suspected that it meant Ud had been crushed by something heavy, but Aphra changed the subject, pointing out where the rebels had camped out. Examining the materials around, she deduced that the rebels were heading somewhere cold. Korin commended her archaeology and Aphra told BT-1 to inform Vader that the rebels had only been on a stopover. BT-1, though, made Aphra do it herself.

Rebel attack

After Aphra found Vader, he began to leave the site, ordering one of the stormtroopers at his shuttle to shut the place down as well as telling BT-1 to signal bombers to destroy it. Korin protested this decision, but Vader slammed him to the ground with the Force and informed BT-1 that he only needed one Aphra, giving them the journey to decide which one died. Aboard the shuttle, Korin began saying his regrets and Aphra asked how they were going to choose which of them died. Wishing to stay positive, Korin told Chelli about the prayer-oolites and asked what she had been up to. Chelli summarized the many adventures she had endured since last seeing Korin.

While Chelli put herself down for the backstabbing and running away she had done, Korin reassured her that she had seen and learned so much, and had "never stopped feeling." After telling Chelli he was proud of her, Korin decided that he was the one for BT-1 to kill. BT-1 prepared to shoot when the shuttle began shaking. An Imperial officer stated that they were being pulled in by a tractor beam and the stormtroopers prepared for boarders. As a hull drill cut away the main door, Korin, who suspected a pirate attack, wondered where Aphra was going, but soon noticed a second hull drill above him and the troopers. An ion charge was dropped in and incapacitated Korin and the imperials.

While Korin was unconscious, the attackers, Strike Team Misericorde from the Rebel Alliance, took him and the stormtroopers out of the shuttle aboard their ship, the Unnamed. Their leader, Magna Tolvan, recognized Korin and knew Chelli will have been with him. Chelli, who was still conscious, was able to send him off the rebel ship aboard the shuttle by programming it to blow out of the vessel and escape to Ash Moon 1—although she herself fled in an escape pod from the rebel ship with BT-1.

Aphra's final message

When Korin awoke, the shuttle had arrived at Ash Moon 1 and the girl Vulaada Klam rushed to the ramp looking for "Aphra." Not realizing it was Chelli she wanted, Korin replied to her call, but realized she had been running from a giant beast. Korin told Klam to get behind him. Before the beast could attack Korin and Klam, it was blasted by a U-wing. After it landed, Tolvan went to greet the pair and took them with her.

By 3 ABY, the three were based at the Rebel Alliance's secret base on the planet Hoth. While Tolvan continued her rebel duties and Klam herded tauntauns, Korin spent his time researching the Alliance, intending to write his own history. He was able to out several guiding principles as near-quotations of Jedi apocrypha and also learned of a Force-sensitive pilot in the Alliance. One day, Tolvan approached Korin with news that Chelli had sent a message for the two of them and Klam. Korin was surprised at this, having assumed that Chelli was dead. Thus the three gathered to hear it.

Korin, Tolvan and Klam sat together after viewing Chelli's message.

In the message Chelli explained that she was sorry for leaving them but felt it was necessary as she was a trail of destruction and it had not brought her any happiness. She further told the Korin and the other two to not be sad for her and assured them that it was the only way for everything to end between Chelli and Korin, Tolvan and Klam. After her message ended, the three walked away upset and sat outside. When Tolvan asked if Chelli had made a difference, Korin stated that she had made no difference to the galaxy. He then rambled on about how he thought rebellions were just future tyrannies until Tolvan corrected him, saying whether she made a difference to them.

Almost immediately after, Luke Skywalker approached them, saying that he himself had met Chelli before. He then explained that the Empire's computers had been sabotaged to stall their search for the rebel base by someone matching Chelli's description. After Skywalker left them, Tolvan asked if she should mention that Chelli had saved the the Emperor's life and Korin told her it was best not to. Korin then questioned if his daughter was out in the galaxy, settling down on some planet, though Klam suggested Chelli would only settle down to make trouble. In response, Tolvan told the two of them she thought Chelli Aphra was doing something in between both extremes.

Personality and traits

Korin Aphra

Korin Aphra's work on ancient religions, such as the Jedi, became an all-consuming passion. His preoccupation with investigating the Ordu Aspectu resulted in Lona Aphra's frustration and subsequent departure with their daughter, Chelli Aphra. Chelli later argued that he cared more about the dead than he did of the living and, although he had promised to change, he still continued to chase more "religious nonsense" after parting with Aphra again. Korin harbored a dislike for the Rebel Alliance due to their tendency to disrupt ancient sites, but he ultimately joined the group and considered documenting its history. During his time on Hoth, Korin sported a beard.

Korin was a human male characterized by his light skin, brown eyes. He formally had black hair but later had none.

Skills and abilities

Korin was a scholar with expertise in archaeology. At the Citadel of Rur, he demonstrated his ability to discern that the ancient Jedi had suffered painful deaths. At Asteroid Helix 13-v, he was able to identify an archicella of the J-doon school.

