An RA-7 protocol droid provided service to Captain Magna Tolvan of the Galactic Empire. While they were located on the Citadel of Rur, Eternal Rur briefly used technopathy to possess the RA-7 protocol droid. During this possession, the droid attacked the crew of Tolvan's shuttle, and later Tolvan herself. However, it returned to its normal state after the Citadel was destroyed.
Captain [Magna Tolvan](/article/magna_tolvan] located the lost Citadel of Rur after tracking the archaeologist Chelli Aphra. The RA-7 protocol droid then accompanied [her](/article/gender] in a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle. Tolvan and a team of snowtroopers proceeded to storm the citadel, while the protocol droid remained on board the shuttle with the pilots.

The droid was taken over when [Eternal Rur](/article/eternal_rur], the disembodied consciousness of the long-dead Rur, utilized its [technopathy](/article/technopathy] abilities, resulting in the deaths of the shuttle pilots. Aphra's ship, the Ark Angel II, was lost and she decided to escape aboard the shuttle with Tolvan and her father, [Korin Aphra](/article/korin_aphra]. Tolvan instructed the pilots to leave, only to find they had been murdered. As Aphra began piloting the shuttle, the possessed droid reactivated, attacking Tolvan and pushing her aside. It then wrapped its [arms](/article/limb] around Aphra, attempting to strangle her. Aphra continued to pilot the shuttle away from the collapsing Citadel, narrowly escaping as it exploded. After the Citadel's destruction, the droid was freed from Rur's technopathy, releasing Aphra's neck and apologizing. Sometime later, Aphra landed the shuttle on a planet in the Outer Rim, abandoning both Tolvan and the droid there.
The initial appearance of the RA-7 protocol droid occurred in Doctor Aphra (2016) 5, a canon comic from 2017 written by Kieron Gillen and with illustrations by Kev Walker. A similar droid appeared in Doctor Aphra (2016) 3, though confirmation that it's the same droid is absent.