Doctor Aphra #3 represents the third installment in the Marvel comic series titled Star Wars: Doctor Aphra. This comic book, penned by Kieron Gillen and visually brought to life by Kev Walker, saw its release on January 18th, 2017.
- Aphra's quest to uncover the Ordu Aspectu has brought her to the one place she hoped to avoid…
- …an Imperial garrison!
- The doctor, her lethal droids, and her Wookiee ally are about to face some difficulties… [1]
Upon their arrival to Yavin 4, Aphra and her archaeologist father, Korin Aphra, discover that their intentions to access the Great Temple are complicated due to the presence of Imperial patrols. Aphra concludes that the Empire is still in the process of cleaning up following the Rebel Alliance's presence. Korin, who is unaware of current events, expresses confusion regarding the rebels' former base on Yavin.
Aphra provides a brief summary of the Battle of Yavin to her father. Korin is bewildered by the Empire's possession of a planet-destroying superweapon. Aphra confirms that the Death Star was also responsible for the destruction of Alderaan. Not sharing her father's "obsession" with the Jedi, she questions whether he believes the official narrative concerning Jedha. Korin considers the intentional destruction of the Temple of the Kyber to be an act of extreme injustice. He acknowledges that he was too consumed by his research into the Ordu Aspectu to acknowledge the millions of deaths.
Triple Zero, eavesdropping on their conversation, inquires whether Aphra supports strict Imperial control as the most effective method of protecting people. Aphra responds that if she desired moral guidance from a heartless killer, she would have continued working for Darth Vader. Korin expresses surprise upon learning that his daughter was once employed by Darth Vader.
In the meantime, an Imperial officer informs Captain Magna Tolvan that they have detected a coded, low-level pulse transmission, which he suspects to be a rebel code. He traces the signal to a temple structure located five klicks away. Tolvan instructs her troops to dispatch a speeder patrol along a standard route, then alter course as they approach the signal. Her intention is to identify the intruders without revealing the Empire's presence. Tolvan also issues orders to place all other personnel on standby.
An Imperial scout trooper patrol nears the source of the signals. However, the Wookiee Krrsantan lies in ambush and uses his bowcaster to shoot down the scout troopers' 74-Z speeder bikes. Black Krrsantan eliminates the surviving scout trooper. Witnessing the explosion, Captain Tolvan orders her forces to engage in full combat. However, Aphra deployed Black Krrsantan as a diversion to attract the Empire's attention. Aphra's father believes this is unjust, a sentiment his daughter shares.
Captain Tolvan leads a squad of stormtroopers, instructing them to circle around the north side and prepare for battle. Simultaneously, Krrsantan ambushes a scout trooper, concealed within the forest undergrowth. Aware of Krrsantan's combat prowess, she remarks that the Empire can always find more recruits. Krrsantan then sends Triple Zero and his astromech droid companion BT-1 to infiltrate the Imperial base.
The psychopathic Triple Zero complains about his inability to kill. Following Aphra's father's instructions, Triple Zero and BT-1 locate the hangar, where they encounter an Imperial RA-7 protocol droid examining a derelict Y-wing starfighter. Seeking to avoid conversation, Triple Zero instructs BT-1 to open the ventilation hatches.
This action enables Aphra and Korin to descend through the hatches using ropes. During their descent, a Massassi piece falls from Aphra's father's pocket. Aphra catches it and asks her father how long he has been planning the expedition. Her father replies that it's his life's work, as the universe requires saving.
Meanwhile, Black Krrsantan ambushes the scout troopers, suppressing them with gunfire. Captain Tolvan dispatches an AT-ST walker to the scene. Krrsantan lures the walker into a swamp, where it is attacked by a giant worm.
The Aphras reunite with Triple Zero and Beetee in the abandoned rebel command center. Triple Zero greets an IT-O Interrogation Unit, expressing his admiration for its work. Korin states that their destination is located above the main hall. He is shocked that the rebels established their base in an important historical site and is relieved that it was not destroyed by the Death Star.
Aphra is dismissive of her father's research. Korin believes this place was important and raises the topic of the Massassi. Aphra says she studied the Massassi and knows they have been extinct for millennia. Korin believes there is a connection between the ancient Aspectu and the Massassi. He finds the place they were looking for, a large room with celestial symbols etched onto the floor. Korin tells Aphra to place the crystals into the matching indents.
Korin remarks that these symbols were identical in shape to the temple structures here and recognizes them as Ordu artifacts. He believes this will give them the location of the Ordu Aspectu's Citadel of Rur. When Korin asks how much time they have left, Aphra reassures her father that Krrsantan has a "knack for this kind of thing."
Meanwhile, the scout troopers stumble upon the site of the fallen AT-ST walker. However, Krrsantan has removed the walker's 88i twin light blaster cannon and ambushes the troopers. Back at the Great Temple, Korin inserts the crystals into the grooves. Triple Zero observes that the archaeological adventure had proved anti-climatic.
Korin realizes that he is missing a piece. However, Aphra takes the opportunity to criticize her estranged father for causing her mother Lona Aphra to leave for the Outer Rim. She criticizes her father for prioritizing "dead things" over her family. Korin disagrees but Aphra responds that this archaeological expedition was another thing that miss. At that point, sunlight enters the chamber, startling Triple Zero and Aphra. Korin is pleased but Aphra remarks that he has five more seconds of smug time before they have to run for their lives.