Doctor Aphra #4 represents the fourth installment in the comic book series Star Wars: Doctor Aphra, published by Marvel. Penned by Kieron Gillen and visually brought to life by Kev Walker, the issue saw its release on February 8, 2017.
Captain Magna Tolvan, situated on Yavin 4, observes the intense activity originating from the summit of the Great Temple and deduces that the Wookiee, Krrsantan, served as a diversion. She issues orders for her forces to converge on the Great Temple with the intention of apprehending the intruders.
At the temple's peak, Chelli Lona Aphra grows impatient and urges her father, Korin Aphra, to hasten their departure. Korin replies that he is currently gathering data using his device. Aphra instructs BT-1 to notify Krrsantan of their imminent departure aboard the Ark Angel II and to prepare the ship for takeoff. Before they can escape, Aphra is confronted by an Imperial officer accompanied by several stormtroopers.
Korin expresses his desire to recover the kyber crystals, but Aphra insists on prioritizing their escape. BT-1 successfully impedes the Imperial forces by deploying bombs, resulting in their demise. Triple Zero commends his astromech droid counterpart for neutralizing the enemy. Aphra and her team attempt to flee through the main hall, only to encounter additional stormtroopers. Aphra engages in combat while her father and the others retreat.
Beetee activates a series of retractable ramps, enabling Triple Zero to ride on him. They successfully exit the main hall, only to find themselves in the path of an AT-AT walker. Captain Tolvan orders Aphra and her companions to surrender their weapons and demands an explanation for their presence in a restricted Imperial zone. Aphra and her father comply by dropping their weapons, but Captain Tolvan instructs her stormtroopers to open fire upon them.
However, Krrsantan arrives aboard the Ark Angel II and unleashes a barrage of fire upon the stormtroopers, facilitating Aphra and her companions' escape via the ship's ramp. Aphra herself is the last to flee, clinging to the ship's ramp. Her father assists her in boarding the ship and remarks that had she remained in academia, she would now be on the tenure track. Krrsantan pilots the ship away from Yavin, leaving a frustrated Captain Tolvan behind.
Following their escape from Yavin 4, Aphra and Korin reconcile their differences. Aphra informs her father that she is prepared to overcome any obstacle to reach his Ordu Aspectu. Korin assures her that he may possess the precise coordinates to the Citadel of Rur. Subsequently, Krrsantan initiates the ship's jump to hyperspace.
Returning to Yavin 4, Captain Tolvan transmits a hologram report concerning the "rebel" incursion to Admiral Ozzel. Tolvan speculates that the rebel actions aimed at disrupting their operations suggest that the Rebel Alliance may have left something behind at their former base. She suggests that the Imperial mission might not have been entirely futile.
Ozzel suggests that discovering something would have greatly disappointed the late Grand General Cassio Tagge. She reminds Tolvan that her assignment to Yavin 4 was a consequence of her security lapse on Eadu. When Ozzel inquires about the rebels, Tolvan asserts that she only possesses preliminary information that is not worth sharing.
Ozzel reminds Tolvan of her past potential for greatness and emphasizes her gratitude for having served under Tagge's command. Ozzel further cautions that Lord Vader is less tolerant of failure. He warns Tolvan that her performance continues to fall short of Imperial expectations. Subsequently, Captain Tolvan and her troops depart aboard a Lambda-class shuttle.
Upon exiting hyperspace aboard the Ark Angel II, Korin expresses surprise upon realizing the reality of the Citadel of Rur. The city is constructed upon a floating asteroid. After landing within the ruined city, Aphra, Korin, Krrsantan, Triple Zero, and BT-1 stumble upon the skeletal remains of deceased Jedi.