Asteroid Helix 13-v

Asteroid Helix 13-v, also known as the Comet Helix, was an asteroid situated within the Asteroid-Helix. A Force-worshipping group, the J'doon, erected a temple called the Helix temple upon this asteroid. During the time of the Galactic Civil War, a unit of the Rebel Alliance established a temporary camp on the asteroid as they journeyed from their former headquarters towards Hoth. The scholar Korin Aphra, while endeavoring to explore the ancient remains, came across the rebel unit, who supplied him with food and compelled him to depart. Following the capture of Aphra, Darth Vader journeyed to the shrine alongside the archaeologist Chelli Aphra, who was the daughter of Korin Aphra. Even after their departure from Asteroid Helix 13-v, the rebels sustained surveillance of their former base through concealed cameras, discovering that the Empire was seeking intelligence regarding their new headquarters. While inside the shrine, Vader had a vision and felt an urge to leave the asteroid, stating that the rebels had already left. Subsequent to their departure from the asteroid, Vader commanded TIE bombers to obliterate it.

