Dixnet Dat was employed by the Undervine as a journalist during the time of the Galactic Civil War; she was female.
She and her colleague, Domthro Rus, encountered the Trandoshan enslaver named Noka, from whom they heard the tale of Krrsantan. Following this, she resolved to meet the Wookiee and create a report on his experiences.
Accompanied by her partner, Dat journeyed to a certain world and there encountered Chelli Lona Aphra, who was masquerading as Sulan Do, an agent representing Krrsantan. Upon seeing 0-0-0, she made the observation that acquiring a protocol droid would be beneficial. Rus reassured her, stating his fluency in Shyriiwook. The pair engaged in lighthearted banter as they made their way to their meeting with the bounty hunter. Once they were seated, she introduced herself and conveyed her intention to disseminate his authentic history throughout the galaxy. The Wookiee then recounted his life story, and Dat inquired whether he felt regret regarding his choice to train with the Xonti Brothers, suggesting it was the motivation for his desire for vengeance. Krrsantan clarified the reasons behind his search for the Xonti Brothers, after which Dat and her partner returned to their ship. After their departure from the planet, Rus explained to Dat that Krrsantan was not driven by revenge, but rather by a desire to fulfill a life debt owed to the Xonti Brothers for the profound impact they had on his life. As their vessel ascended, Dat noticed that their posting rights for the Undervine had been terminated due to an advertisement that Aphra had published using their account.