
Xet was a Falleen individual affiliated with the Black Sun criminal organization. She later transitioned into the role of a spy for the rival Crimson Dawn syndicate, providing them with intelligence concerning Black Sun's operations. During 3 ABY, Xet was present at the Auction for Han Solo, an event orchestrated by Crimson Dawn. It was there that she faced an assault from Doctor Chelli Aphra alongside the smuggler Sana Starros, who stole a necklace she possessed. This necklace contained data crystals holding crucial information pertaining to Black Sun.


The necklace worn by Xet at the auction for Han Solo

Xet, a Falleen, held a position within the Black Sun crime group. Subsequently, she began functioning as an informant, a spy, for the newly reformed Crimson Dawn criminal enterprise. In 3 ABY, Xet made an appearance at the Auction for Han Solo, which Crimson Dawn organized on the planet of Jekara. Before the auction commenced, Xet engaged in conversation with Gallin Crae, a previous member of the Sixth Kin syndicate who was also working with Crimson Dawn.

Nearby, Doctor Chelli Aphra took notice of Xet's necklace. This piece of jewelry contained three data crystals that housed sensitive information about Black Sun's internal structure. The doctor attempted a steal by creating a diversion, intentionally spilling a cocktail on the Falleen and offering an apology while pretending to clean it. As Aphra reached for the necklace, Xet took offense and pushed her away before she could grab the necklace. Although the archaeologist's initial plan failed, she secretly attached an electrified device to Xet's neck for a later attempt. As Xet and Crae departed, Xet mentioned that she was letting Aphra go because she recognized Aphra and her colleague Sana Starros's attire as being associated with the arms dealer Ebann Drake.

While Xet was cleaning her clothes at a sink, she and her droid were once more ambushed by Aphra and Starros. Starros rendered Xet unconscious by choking her and then secured the necklace, while Aphra sliced into the droid, discovering that the Falleen was a Crimson Dawn informant, a spy. Aphra and Starros ultimately handed over the necklace to their employer, Domina Tagge of the House of Tagge, who subsequently displayed a hologram showing Xet's image. Despite handing over the physical necklace, Aphra retained a copy of the ciphers and access codes stored within it for her future use.

Personality and traits

Xet possessed green skin, black hair, and brown eyes. She bore a tattoo representing the Crimson Dawn symbol on her right shoulder. Xet found the jackets worn by Aphra and Starros to be "hideous." After Aphra spilled a drink on her, Xet declared that only her "grace and mercy" had prevented the doctor from suffering consequences.


Xet was in the company of her droid, a gray droid with a single blue sensor. It also had an arm with a scomp link that Aphra and Starros used to gain entry to doors on the Vermillion, Crimson Dawn's flagship, using access codes found on the droid. At the auction, Xet wore a purple and gold dress along with a layered, multicolored data-crystal necklace adorned with gemstones. Her ensemble was rounded out by a brown belt, brown shoes, and a gold-colored hair accessory.

Behind the scenes

Xet's initial appearance and identification occurred in the twelfth issue of the 2020 comic series titled Star Wars: Doctor Aphra. Alyssa Wong wrote the issue, Minkyu Jung provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics published it on July 14, 2021. Before the comic was released, a preview article featuring the Falleen was published on StarWars.com on July 7 of that same year.

