Burnin Konn, a planet located within the Anoat sector, functioned as a mining colony primarily focused on extracting chromium and various other ores. Due to its largely uninhabitable surface, the population resided mainly in settlements such as the Konn-Nevos Spaceport, the Longstar Marketplace, and the Carbon Score Cantina. The Iron Blockade of the Anoat sector, imposed by Imperial Governor Ubrik Adelhard, compelled the inhabitants of Burnin Konn to rely on local criminal organizations for essential supplies. Following the Battle of Endor by a period of three months, Burnin Konn was among the numerous planets targeted by the remaining forces of the Empire during Operation: Cinder.

Originally possessing its own flora, Burnin Konn had deteriorated into a largely uninhabitable and extremely hostile wasteland by the time the Galactic Civil War took place. Its rugged terrain was characterized by profound fissures containing substantial ore deposits, and it was perpetually assaulted by hazardous winds carrying dense clouds of carbon dust.
In Arcis, the primary company town, immigrants from other worlds dwelled within deep chasms, illuminated by intermittent rays of sunlight. Another settlement, known as Ashheap, also existed.
Significant volcanic activity marked the planet. Geothermal reactors, which tapped into the energy generated by magma shifts, were the primary power source for the cities scattered across its surface.
Burnin Konn, a planet that lacked indigenous sentient species, was first colonized several centuries prior to the Galactic Civil War to serve as a mining outpost for extracting chromium, dolovite, and other valuable ores. Over time, it became recognized as one of the four Mining Worlds within the Anoat sector. The extensive mining of chromium and dolovite ultimately led to the destruction of the planet's original plant life, transforming Burnin Konn into a desolate and almost uninhabitable environment.
As the Galactic Empire's reign neared its end, Burnin Konn was one of the worlds subjected to the devastation of Operation: Cinder. As punishment, General Valin Hess's forces planted explosive devices within the geothermal reactors of the cities, which harnessed energy from the planet's magma flows. At Chakonnis, the inhabitants mounted a fierce resistance to defend their homes. Nevertheless, Hess ordered the complete annihilation of the city while his Imperial division was present. The resulting explosions destabilized the planet's tectonic plates, triggering a series of volcanic eruptions that immediately obliterated Chakonnis, killing an estimated 5,000 to 10,000 soldiers, in addition to the civilians. Other cities met a similar fate, collapsing as lava engulfed their streets. Migs Mayfeld, a sniper within the division, was one of the few who survived the catastrophe, left deeply scarred by his experience. Hess himself survived the ultimate fall of the Empire and joined the remnants on the planet Morak, where he oversaw a rhydonium refinery to fuel acts of destruction even more terrible than what occurred on Burnin Konn. During an infiltration of the refinery, Mayfeld encountered his former commanding officer and confronted him about the massacre on Burnin Konn. When Hess showed no remorse and displayed indifference towards the deaths of his comrades, Mayfeld executed him.
In Star Wars canon, Burnin Konn made its debut in the 2015 mobile game titled Star Wars: Uprising. Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, Burnin Konn was first referenced in Galactic Gazetteer: Hoth and the Greater Javin, a 2004 supplement for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game.