Noble Court

The Noble Court functioned as the self-ruling authority of the Nothoiin species. They exerted their control over the Anoat sector, a self-governing sector situated within the Outer Rim of the galaxy. Their reign over the sector predated the formation of the Galactic Republic, and they chose to remain separate from the galactic government throughout the Republic's duration.

However, the fall of the Republic and its replacement by the dictatorial Galactic Empire marked a turning point. The Empire, intolerant of the Noble Court's autonomy, forcefully annexed the Anoat sector, nearly leading to the eradication of the Court. Despite the Empire's attempts at suppression, the Court persevered, retreating into secrecy and operating as a government-in-exile, a clandestine organization existing under the Empire's dominion.

Throughout the Galactic Civil War, the nobles dedicated themselves to safeguarding the citizens of the Anoat sector and striving to regain their former influence. Following the unexpected death of Palpatine, the supreme ruler of the Empire, at the Battle of Endor, the sector was placed under lockdown by Imperial Governor Ubrik Adelhard. Through the intervention of a young smuggler hailing from Burnin Konn, the Noble Court allied with the Uprising, a resistance movement committed to challenging the Empire's authority in the Anoat sector.


Rulers of the Anoat sector

Before the emergence of the Galactic Republic, a democratic alliance governing numerous solar systems throughout the entire galaxy, the Anoat sector within the Outer Rim Territories was governed by families of Nothoiin nobles, collectively known as the Noble Court. Even with the Republic's establishment, the sector maintained its independence. Nevertheless, despite the Court's overall control, the Hutts held sway over the planet Mataou. On one occasion, representatives from both factions convened at Mataou's Shrine of Dynasties to deliberate on matters of peace and cooperation. With the guidance of their advisers, the nobles and their monarchs successfully preserved their independence for numerous centuries.

Purges of the Empire

The ruins of Anoat after the gassing by the Galactic Empire, causing the atmosphere became toxic and poisonous.

However, the Galactic Empire, a newly established oppressive regime, superseded the Republic replaced following the conclusion of the three-year-long Clone Wars. This Empire displayed minimal tolerance for the Court's desire for self-governance, and as a consequence of the Great Jedi Purge, it nearly exterminated the Advisers, an organization that utilized the Force, and issued numerous kill orders targeting the nobles themselves. Despite the Empire's claims of eradicating the Anoat nobility, many members of the Court managed to survive and went into hiding alongside the Advisers. Even without their power in the sector, the nobles continued to thrive in secret, sustained by the support of their retainers, agents, and advisers. Moreover, the aristocrats lived under constant threat, and royals were compelled to learn how to evade assassination attempts. As time went on, the nobles endeavored to reclaim their former prestige.

Joining the Uprising

Sir Corto Belrake was a key figure within the Noble Court-in-exile during the Iron Blockade, and worked as an agent of "Her Majesty."

Twenty-three years after the Empire's establishment, the malevolent Emperor Sheev Palpatine met his demise during the Battle of Endor. Ubrik Adelhard, the Imperial governor overseeing the Anoat sector, promptly implemented a blockade to prevent news of Palpatine's death from spreading. However, a young smuggler from Burnin Konn discovered a holomessage from Princess [Leia Organa](/article/leia_skywalker_organa_solo], an opponent of the Empire, detailing the events at Endor. The Noble Court of that era, led by the queen-in-exile known only as Her Majesty, eventually learned of this message when the Ivax Syndicate approached them with a proposition for an alliance. Sir Corto Belrake, an agent serving Her Majesty, engaged in negotiations with the Burnin Konn smuggler, who acted as a representative of the Syndicate. After the smuggler defeated Earl Alner on Her Majesty's behalf, the queen-in-exile approved the proposed alliance, which aimed to capture Bragh, the commander of the formidable Imperial Purge Troopers. Subsequently, the alliance expanded to include a third party, an order of assassins known as the Kouhun. This newly formed tripartite resistance movement became known as the Uprising.



Her Majesty and two other nobles at the time of the Iron Blockade

The Noble Court was structured as an aristocratic government, dominated by a collection of noble families under the leadership of a king or queen. Initially composed exclusively of Nothoiins, the aristocracy gradually diversified to include various species, although the Nothoiins retained the majority of power within the court, including the monarch, who was of Nothoiin descent. Its members held titles such as Duke and Earl.

Following the rise of the Galactic Empire, the Anoat nobility faced near extermination and was forced into exile after kill orders were issued against the nobles. Consequently, the court lost all its territory, and the monarch and her government were compelled to go into hiding. By 4 ABY, the court-in-exile operated as a secret society, striving to reclaim its lost domain under the rule of a female Nothoiin known only as Her Majesty, whose true identity remained concealed by tradition.


Nobles of the Court were protected by masked, sword-wielding protectors.

In addition to the nobles and their protectors, the Court also encompassed various types of personnel. Notably, the nobles employed secret agents who, despite not being assassins, were as lethal as any gun-for-hire. There were also archivists responsible for maintaining the court's extensive archives. Lastly, there were enigmatic advisers knowledgeable in the ways of the Force, a mystical energy field that connected the galaxy.

Foreign affairs

While the nobles encountered difficulties in collaborating with assassins and criminals, all three groups shared a common objective and were united by the influence of the Burnin Konn smuggler. To confront Commander Bragh's Imperial-class Star Destroyer, Her Majesty provided several Throneships, equipped with weaponry salvaged from the icy plains of Hoth.

Society and culture


The members of the Noble Court wore gilded, elaborate masks and armors.

The Noble Court consisted of noble families, headed by a king or queen. Among them was a sizable contingent of Nothoiin, a species of gold-skinned humanoids that hailed from a world of the same name. Aristocrats below the monarch held titles such as Duke and Earl, projecting a powerful, regal, and prestigious presence.

By the time of the Iron Blockade that occurred throughout the Anoat sector during the Galactic Civil War following the Battle of Endor, the Court-in-exile had become more diverse, including humans.


The Ancient Palace was located on the surface of Hosra, where the secretive Advisers resided.

An ancient Force-using order, known as the Advisers, played a role in ensuring the survival of the Noble Court and assisting the nobles in maintaining their independence under the Galactic Republic and surviving the purges of the Galactic Empire, which included teaching Force techniques to some nobles. Their existence was intertwined with the assembled ruling families of the sector. The order was led by a Mentor, who trained multiple acolytes, including a Nothoiin named Amrosio under Xiath. Upon sensing the Force-sensitivity of his visitor, Xiath offered to train the young smuggler during the Iron Blockade.


The Noble Court once governed the majority of the Anoat sector in the Outer Rim Territories, with the sprawling city-world, Anoat, serving as the sector's capital. Known Court worlds included Burnin Konn, Allyuen, and Zhanox. After Noble Court space fell to the Galactic Empire during its expansion, the court lost all territory and was forced into hiding.

