
The advisers were a Force-wielding group situated within the Anoat sector. Their fate was intertwined with that of the Noble Court, the collective of governing families of the sector. The advisers were responsible for guaranteeing the Court's continued existence, which included instructing certain nobles in Force abilities. As the Galactic Empire gained power, the Anoat sector was subjected to its rule. Nevertheless, even though the Empire tried to crush the noble families, they secretly endured because of the advisers' assistance. When the Imperial Iron Blockade was established around the sector, the nobles and the advisers were still striving to regain their previous authority and status. Xiath, a male human who possessed the rank of Mentor within the advisers, concealed himself from the Imperials alongside his Nothoiin student Amrosio inside the Ancient Palace located on Hosra, a planet that the Empire ignored since it had no useful resources. Despite their secrecy, the Data Seekers, a clandestine academic society, knew that the advisers and the Court had survived. Several months after the blockade began, a young smuggler originating from Burnin Konn obtained a collection of holodiscs that supposedly revealed secrets about how the Noble Court had managed to survive against the Empire. After journeying to Hosra, the Smuggler encountered Mentor Xiath, who assessed the individual before consenting to share some of his wisdom.

