Corto Belrake, a Sir, once belonged to the Noble Court of the Anoat sector. The Galactic Empire almost entirely eradicated these nobles, but a clandestine society managed to survive. By the time the Iron Blockade was in effect, Belrake had become one of the sector's most affluent individuals; he functioned as an agent for "Her Majesty," the queen of the Anoat nobles and their exiled court. Furthermore, Belrake possessed considerable combat skill, with accounts stating he fought a TIE fighters squadron from a ground position.
When the news broke that the Emperor Palpatine, the Empire's leader, was dead, Her Majesty contemplated forming an alliance with Voras the Hutt's Ivax Syndicate. Belrake, accompanied by the noblewoman Elenzia, journeyed to the Apex Overlook within Cloud City to conduct negotiations with a young, rising star from the Syndicate. Belrake insisted on a demonstration of good faith, requesting that Voras's representative locate and apprehend Earl [Alner](/article/alner], a disloyal Anoat noble who utilized assassins to eliminate his competition.