
Voras, a Hutt of the male persuasion, secretly helmed the Ivax Syndicate, a criminal enterprise born in the Ivax Nebula and operating throughout the Anoat sector. This position allowed him to be a hidden investor in countless shell corporations and the covert controller of a vast number of illicit transactions. Voras, desiring to overthrow the Galactic Empire and amass his own influence, chose to operate discreetly, allowing his underlings to act as the face of the Syndicate. His seat of power was located at the Paradise Atrium, situated within the Tibanna gas mining settlement known as Cloud City.

Following the imposition of the Iron Blockade, Voras faced a threat to his control over Cloud City's black market from four members of the competing Zenowai Crime Society. Consequently, the Hutt engaged the services of Riley and their younger sibling, a pair of rogues hailing from Burnin Konn, tasking them with eliminating the Zenowai threat. In exchange, Voras pledged to attempt to remove the death mark that Commander Bragh had levied against the siblings.

Personality and traits

Sporting yellow skin and orange eyes, Voras adorned himself with various pieces of finery, including a pair of bracelets, multiple rings encircling his tail, and a chain across his face. When surprised, Voras was prone to displays of emotion and a healthy dose of paranoia.

