The death mark on Han Solo
A death mark was essentially a hit put out on an individual, indicating that someone desired them to be hunted and ultimately killed by a bounty hunter.
After the invasion of Westhill Palace and the subsequent theft of the starship called Trailblazer by Canto Bight criminal Kay Vess, Sliro Barsha, who led the Zerek Besh crime syndicate and owned both the starship and the palace, placed a death mark on Vess.
Jabba the Hutt placed a death mark on Han Solo when his debts to Jabba went unpaid. This death mark was so significant that Solo felt compelled to abandon the Rebel Alliance to settle his financial obligations. However, this plan was disrupted when the Rebels were attacked by the Galactic Empire, forcing Solo to escape with Leia Organa and the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO aboard the Millennium Falcon. Subsequently, Darth Vader of the Empire hired Boba Fett, a bounty hunter, to pursue and capture Solo.
The Trandoshan smuggler known as Feresk Tssat acquired a death mark after being commissioned by an Imperial governor to obtain a painting. The governor then presented the painting to Grand Admiral Thrawn, who discovered that the painting was a forgery, unbeknownst to Feresk. To evade the death mark, Feresk enlisted in the Rebel Alliance as a starfighter pilot.
Qilori, a navigator from the Pathfinder organization originating from Uandualon, believed that Junior Commander Thrawn of the Chiss earned a death mark by alerting the Lioaoin Regime about their pirate hunting activities near the Lioaoin heartworld. Years later, General Yiv the Benevolent of the Nikardun Destiny informed Thrawn during the battle over Primea that he had "earned death" for capturing one of his warships.