Qilori, a male Force-sensitive being from Uandualon, held the position of Pathfinder navigator. To navigate through hyperspace, he employed a sensory-deprivation headset to connect with the Great Presence. His movements through hyperspace were monitored by other Pathfinders using the Great Presence. He held a negative view of the Chiss Ascendancy because of their perceived belief in their superiority over other species. Qilori stated that while the Chiss were not alone in their sense of superiority, they took it to an extreme, regarding other sentients as "particularly clever animals." Mitth'raw'nuru, a Chiss Junior Commander, engaged Qilori to assist in launching the Lioaoin pirate campaign. Following their mission to the Lioaoin heartworld, Qilori hoped to never encounter Thrawn again. However, Thrawn, who had since been promoted to Senior Captain, later hired him during the Nikardun conquests. At this point, Qilori was in the service of General Yiv the Benevolent, the leader of the Nikardun Destiny. After defeating Yiv in the battle over Primea, Thrawn forbade Qilori from revealing the tactics he used to defeat the Nikardun leader. To enforce this, Thrawn threatened to use the Navigators' Guild policy of confidentiality to have Qilori expelled from the Pathfinders and the Pathfinders expelled from the Navigators' Guild if he disclosed Thrawn's methods. Subsequently, Qilori found himself trapped on a seemingly derelict starship belonging to "Jixtus," where he revealed Thrawn's role in Yiv's defeat. Accepting Jixtus's offer of a promising future and revenge against the Chiss Ascendancy, Qilori joined his faction, the Grysk Hegemony. Jixtus tasked Qilori with discovering the Chiss' means of navigating the Unknown Regions. Qilori played a small role as a Navigator in the conspiracy of the Agbui, who, guided by the Grysks, plotted to overthrow the Chiss Ascendancy from within. Having developed a fear of Thrawn's tactical prowess, Qilori warned Jixtus of the danger he posed. However, his warning proved ineffective, and Thrawn foiled the Agbui's plot. Qilori was then assigned to navigate the Kilji Illumine war cruiser Anvil to its designated locations. He narrowly escaped the ship in an escape pod before its destruction in a battle against Thrawn and his allies, but the escape pod was subsequently recovered by Thrawn's cruiser. After traveling with Thrawn to Sunrise, Qilori was released and immediately alerted Jixtus to Thrawn's plans. Qilori spent the remainder of his service with the Grysks navigating the Kilji Illumine war cruiser Whetstone, the Kilji flagship and Jixtus's primary vessel. While aboard, he witnessed the defeat of Jixtus's Grysk fleet over Sunrise by a Chiss fleet commanded by Thrawn and Admiral Ar'alani. Following the death of Kilji Generilius Nakirre, the commander of the Whetstone, at the hands of Jixtus, Qilori briefly assumed command of the ship to evade Jixtus's attempts to destroy Qilori and the Kilji with his flagship, the FateSpinner.
At Guild Concourse 447, a Chiss diplomatic cruiser arrives, seeking a navigator for a journey to Bardram Scoft, the capital of the Scofti nation. Despite his reluctance, Qilori is selected by his dispatcher, Prack, to serve as the ship's navigator. Chiss officers escort him onto the ship at the boarding gate. Qilori, like many others in the vicinity, dislikes the Chiss, specifically believing they view other species as "particularly clever animals." Upon reaching the Chiss bridge, Qilori prepares to guide the Chiss to their destination. Arriving at Bardram Scoft, Qilori removes his sensory-deprivation headset and is surprised to find only himself and a Chiss pilot on the bridge. The Chiss explains that the other officers are preparing the Chiss ambassador for a meeting with the new Scofti government officials, learning the new interaction protocols due to the change in government. Qilori inquires about the previous Prefect, and the Chiss pilot reveals that he was assassinated, noting that assassinations are common among the Scofti. The pilot then asks Qilori to identify an approaching ship. While unsure, Qilori believes it to be of Lioaoin origin. The pilot asks if it is a new design, but Qilori does not know. He asks the Chiss why he is concerned, and the pilot explains that the ship's design is similar to that of pirate ships attacking freighters along the Chiss Ascendancy borders. Qilori recalls rumors circulating within the Navigators' Guild (mainly from Void Guides) about the Lioaoin Regime resorting to piracy to bolster their failing economy, but he refrains from sharing this information with the Chiss pilot to avoid violating the Navigators’ Guild's rules of confidentiality and neutrality. Qilori confirms his ability to navigate to Lioaoin space from the Chiss Ascendancy when asked. The pilot then asks if Qilori could guide him from Bardram Scoft to Lioaoin space, which Qilori evades answering. Instead, he asks if they will be traveling there next, but the pilot only indicates that they may travel there in the future. The Chiss asks Qilori for his name and if he is usually stationed at Guild Concourse 447. Qilori provides his name and confirms his primary station location. When Qilori asks for the pilot's name, the Chiss identifies himself as Junior Commander Thrawn. Thrawn informs Qilori that he will specifically request him for future navigator assignments. Shortly after, Thrawn returns to Guild Concourse 447 and requests Qilori to accompany him on a mission to the Lioaoin heartworld. Upon arrival, Thrawn confirms, to Qilori's surprise, that the design of the Lioaoin patrol craft resembles that of the pirate ships. Qilori, aware of the potential danger, wants to leave the system immediately, but Thrawn desires a closer look at a nearby Lioaoin ship, believing it to be one of the ships that recently attacked the Chiss Massoss system. Qilori expresses concern that Thrawn's actions may provoke a "massive stinger nest," prompting Thrawn to ask if Qilori is confirming Lioaoin's involvement in the piracy. Qilori regrets his comment, worrying about violating the Navigators' Guild's rules on nondisclosure. He is also concerned about the ability of other Pathfinders to track his movements through hyperspace and the likelihood of Lioaoin corsairs attacking him. Qilori attempts to retract his statement, but Thrawn does not allow it. After another comment from Qilori (pointing out the potential for Lioaoin suspicion that Thrawn is hunting pirates), Thrawn decides to make his intentions clear to the Lioaoi. Over an open comm channel, Thrawn announces that he has located the pirates and orders a nearby ship to report back to the Ascendancy. Thrawn shows Qilori a departing Chiss vessel responding to his order. As Thrawn prepares to leave the system, three Lioaoin corsairs pursue him. Thrawn tells Qilori that they are headed to the Kinoss system to deliver the news to the stationed Chiss couriers. Disturbed by the pursuing corsairs (Pathfinders can sense others of their kind in the Great Presence), Qilori returns to space-normal twice during their journey to Kinoss. Upon arrival, Thrawn and Qilori find that the other Chiss ship is already there. As the two Chiss ships head towards Kinoss, four Lioaoin corsairs arrive behind them. Qilori is surprised to learn that Thrawn anticipated their arrival. Thrawn explains that he researched the Pathfinders after their first encounter, learning of their ability to track each other through hyperspace and witnessing their movement patterns in a previous, unrelated pirate attack. Thrawn hoped to reach the Lioaoin heartworld before the Pathfinders on the pirate ships returned to their stations, allowing him to lure them to Kinoss. Using his knowledge of Pathfinder tactics, Thrawn successfully manipulated the Lioaoin pirate ships into arriving at Kinoss at a precise location. A Chiss warship, commanded by Mid Captain Ziara, suddenly appears among the Lioaoin ships and destroys them.
After hoping to avoid Thrawn, Thrawn returns to Guild Concourse 447 with the Chiss ship Springhawk and requests Qilori. Qilori reflects on Thrawn's rapid military advancement but is not surprised, given the events at Kinoss. Thrawn asks Qilori if he is familiar with the Rapacc system. Qilori, aware that Yiv is blockading Rapacc, attempts to appear unaffected by the question. He hesitates to answer, prompting Thrawn to repeat the question. Qilori confirms that he can guide them to Rapacc, wondering if he should warn Thrawn about the Nikardun presence there. He decides against it, fearing it might arouse Thrawn's suspicion about how Qilori knows about them. Qilori guides the Springhawk to the inner Rapacc system via either Shadow Number One or Shadow Number Two. Noticing that no one is paying attention to him, he sends messages to the Nikardun ships in the area, having secretly tapped into the Chiss comms and recording messages during his rest periods. Three Nikardun ships approach the Springhawk. Qilori assumes a deck jolt is the start of an attack but realizes it is merely a shuttle separating from the Springhawk. The shuttle heads towards Rapacc, and two of the Nikardun ships pursue it. The Springhawk then turns away, with the remaining Nikardun fighter giving chase. Qilori realizes that Thrawn chose these specific coordinates to be attacked by Nikardun forces, theorizing that the Springhawk is a diversion for another Chiss ship to advance on the planet unnoticed. The pursuing Nikardun ship catches up to the Springhawk and opens fire, but the Springhawk defeats it and captures it using a tractor beam and a crippler net. Qilori deduces that Thrawn's true objective was to capture a Nikardun ship. As Thrawn prepares to return Qilori to Guild Concourse 447, he asks if Qilori needs a rest period, which Qilori declines. Thrawn then inquires if Qilori found the exercise "interesting," to which Qilori responds affirmatively, trying to maintain his composure. Upon returning to Guild Concourse 447, Qilori uses accumulated favors and blackmail to arrange transport to the Primea system, the capital of the Vak Combine. After a thirty-five-hour journey, he arrives and boards Yiv's Battle Dreadnought Deathless. Qilori informs Yiv that he brings news from Rapacc, and after Yiv acknowledges awareness of the Nikardun ship capture, Qilori offers to reveal the name of the person responsible. Intrigued, Yiv instructs Qilori to proceed. As Qilori recounts the story, Yiv interrupts, stating that he already knows a Chiss captured the vessel, and demands to know the name of its commander. When Qilori reveals that Senior Captain Thrawn was in command, Yiv is annoyed that Qilori did not bother to find out his full Chiss name. Yiv then tasks Qilori with determining Thrawn's full name.
Qilori, serving as the navigator for a Garwian diplomatic mission to Primea, discovers that two Chiss are aboard: an artistic master and a female companion. Yiv is still on Primea, and he instructs Qilori to attend a Vak reception to inform him of any updates. At the reception, Qilori overhears the male Chiss telling his female companion to fix her makeup, referencing the importance of "proper family hostage decorum." Turning to look at the Chiss, Qilori recognizes him as Thrawn. Realizing an opportunity to please Yiv, Qilori considers immediately informing the Nikardun of Thrawn's presence. Deciding to wait, Qilori initiates a conversation with Thrawn. The Chiss introduces himself as Artistic Master Svorno. Qilori, believing that Thrawn does not recognize him, declines to share his name and asks what the Chiss is doing on Primea. Thrawn states that he intends to disprove a theory that the Garwians and Vaks had a trade relationship during the Midorian Era. Noticing the variety of species at the reception, Thrawn points out Yiv, stating that he has never seen anyone of that species before. Qilori identifies Thrawn's subject as a Nikardun. When Thrawn asks Qilori if he could be introduced to the Nikardun, Qilori offers to check if he is interested. Leaving Thrawn, Qilori approaches Yiv, who is conversing with a group of Vaks. Waiting for Yiv to pause, Qilori informs him of Thrawn's presence and his false name. Yiv permits Qilori to bring Thrawn to him for a conversation. Returning to Thrawn, Qilori introduces the Nikardun as General Yiv the Benevolent, to which Thrawn expresses disappointment, noting that military figures typically do not possess valuable artistic information. Fearing that Thrawn will dismiss a conversation with Yiv, Qilori urges Thrawn to at least try talking to him. Thrawn, noting that he cannot leave before his companion returns, accepts Qilori's reasoning. As Qilori leads Thrawn to Yiv, he is confused by Thrawn's differing descriptions of his female companion (referring to her as both his companion and his family hostage). Upon introducing Thrawn to Yiv, the two begin a conversation. They discuss artwork, architecture, and Vak culture, challenging and complimenting each other. Later, the Chiss female returns, and Thrawn describes her as a "person of no consequence" to a curious Yiv. Thrawn departs, and Yiv and Qilori discuss the preceding conversation. Yiv tells Qilori that he now understands the threat Thrawn poses and commends him for bringing the Chiss to his attention. Qilori mentions the Chiss female, revealing that he heard Thrawn describe her as his "family hostage." Yiv states that he believes that description is a bluff meant to confuse him, but Qilori notes a hint of hesitation in the general's voice. Qilori asks what Yiv plans to do with Thrawn, to which the Nikardun reveals that he will be captured while aboard the Garwian ship. Qilori is instructed to keep the Garwian ship at Primea until the Nikardun makes its move. Qilori acknowledges to himself that involvement in such a military scheme could lead a Pathfinder to execution but decides to proceed due to the threat Thrawn poses to the Nikardun reign. To Qilori's surprise, the Garwian ship decides to leave a day early. He wonders if he should inform Yiv, but Qilori sees the Deathless come into view as it orbits Primea. However, Qilori overhears the Garwians discussing that Artistic Master Svorno and his companion are neither aboard the ship nor anywhere in the diplomatic offices or guest quarters on the surface. Qilori fears that Yiv will attack the Garwian ship for nothing. He decides to offer a solution to the Garwian officer Frangelic. Qilori states that he witnessed Svorno talking with General Yiv the Benevolent at the diplomatic reception on the planet and suggests that he might know about the Chiss' whereabouts. Frangelic listens and signals for the comm officer to contact the Deathless. Qilori reflects that although Thrawn escaped the immediate trap, he cannot possibly outrun the Nikardun or the Vaks for long.
Thrawn later escaped Primea by stealing a Vak patrol craft. Several weeks later, Thrawn sent his "family hostages," Thalias and Che'ri, back to Primea to return the craft and deliver a message. However, Yiv intercepted and replaced this message. He also ordered Thalias and Che'ri to be captured by the Vaks and sent Qilori to transport them to the Deathless. After doing so, Qilori traveled back to Guild Concourse 447, where he awaited Thrawn's arrival. Qilori had instructions to personally bring Thrawn to a point in the Primea system far from the planet, where Yiv would be waiting to kill him. During the voyage, Thrawn offered Qilori his favorite drink, Garala tealeaf, which surprised him: few employers bother to learn their navigators' preferences. Qilori maintained his facade of ignorance, even though Thrawn secretly knew of his allegiance to Yiv. Qilori, notably, was puzzled by the Chiss freighter's unusual shape. He also thought to himself that he must thank Yiv for allowing him to witness Thrawn's demise. As Qilori and Thrawn arrived at Primea, Thrawn noted that their location did not match the coordinates sent in Yiv's message to the Ascendancy. Yiv revealed that Thrawn, rather than money, was to be the ransom for the Chiss hostages. Thrawn then calmly explained that he did not have to come alone, since Yiv had broken the agreement. Yiv, seeing that Chiss Admiral Ar'alani's Picket Force Six had arrived at Primea and engaged the Nikardun blockaders, panicked and ordered his three accompanying Nikardun Battle Dreadnoughts to attack them. Thrawn also revealed that he anticipated his message being replaced and had placed a second copy of the message on the Vak patrol craft for the Combine to find. The Vaks, aware that Yiv had replaced the message and realizing the danger posed by the Nikardun, withdrew and allowed the Chiss to attack them. Thrawn, during a break in his conversation with Yiv, interrogated Qilori about the situation. He explained that Yiv could not afford to show weakness by allowing their blockade ships to be destroyed, evidenced by the departure of the three companion Nikardun Battle Dreadnoughts. Thrawn resumed his conversation with Yiv, during which Qilori noted that the Nikardun's face was filled with pure hatred. Yiv threatened to destroy the entire Ascendancy for Thrawn's treachery. Qilori realized that Thrawn was more in control of the situation than previously thought, which sent a chill down his spine. He also realized that, with the other Battle Dreadnoughts gone, the Deathless was vulnerable to an attack from behind. Disturbed by this possibility, Qilori began to think of a way to contact Yiv, but Thrawn detected his unease and assured him that there were no other Chiss ships ready to attack the Deathless. Thrawn dropped his pretense and revealed to Qilori that he was aware of both Yiv's use of Pathfinders to coordinate Nikardun attacks and Qilori's allegiance to Yiv. Since direct cooperation with military forces was against the Navigators' Guild rules, Thrawn offered Qilori to keep this secret from the Navigators' Guild if he agreed to forget the day's events. Qilori agreed to the proposal but quietly dismissed Thrawn, assuming he would be dead soon anyway. However, Thrawn was able to defeat Yiv. Thalias and Che'ri had concealed a potent amount of tava mist in their makeup, which, upon release, disoriented the Nikardun to the point where Thrawn was able to board the Deathless's bridge and bind Yiv. [1] After two months, Qilori was hired by the Grysk known as Jixtus. During a voyage, Jixtus commanded his ship's navigation system to be shut down, and Qilori, recognizing this, exited the Great Presence. In the empty bridge, Qilori was contacted by Jixtus's unidentified voice, who asked him about Yiv's whereabouts. When Qilori attempted to feign ignorance, Jixtus threatened to kill him. Qilori then informed Jixtus of Yiv's capture by Chiss Senior Captain Thrawn. Jixtus inquired about the Nikardun Destiny, and Qilori informed him of their decreasing power and control. Qilori asked Jixtus if he was Yiv's master, and Jixtus confirmed that he orchestrated the Nikardun conquests, noting that if he had been involved, they would have been much more successful. Jixtus informed Qilori that a more subtle approach would be needed to take down the Chiss. When prompted about his approval of the plan, Qilori pledged to join Jixtus on his campaign against the Chiss, stating that they had ruined his life. Jixtus identified himself to Qilori and allowed him to resume his navigational duties. [1]
Soon after, Jixtus hired Qilori to work with a group of Agbui, led by Haplif, who were trying to instigate a civil war within the Chiss Ascendancy. Upon arriving at Jixtus's ship and meeting Haplif, Jixtus tasked Qilori with navigating a Chiss ship to the world of Hoxim, where a fake nyix mine was located. Qilori was to act as if he had been to the world before and answer any questions the Chiss might have about it. Haplif also promised to prepare Qilori with the answers to any questions the Chiss might ask. Qilori asked Jixtus if there would be any military conflict involved, but the Grysk promised that the conflict would be far away from him. However, Qilori insisted that Jixtus consider who he took military action against, reminding him of Senior Captain Thrawn's exploits against General Yiv. Considering this, Jixtus promised to occupy Thrawn with another task far away from the Agbui's sphere of operation. As Qilori and Haplif departed from their meeting, Jixtus made Qilori aware of the mystery of how the Chiss navigate hyperspace, sharing rumors that the Chiss had acquired a computerized navigational system from their past missions into Lesser Space. Jixtus only wanted Qilori to be aware of this possibility and to keep an eye out for it. As Qilori departed, he thought to himself that if he ever found this supposed technology being used by the Chiss, he would not tell Jixtus, as he would soon be out of a job. Several weeks later, Qilori was called upon to navigate for a Chiss escort mission to Hoxim. Upon arriving at the system, Xodlak'ji'iprip (Lakjiip), senior aide to Xodlak Councilor Xodlak'uvi'vil (Lakuviv), interrogated Qilori about the world, the Agbui, and his involvement with them. Qilori was trained by Haplif on what to say to Lakjiip, who wished to manipulate the Xodlak family into starting a civil war with two other Chiss families over the planet, which housed a fake mine of nyix, the rarest metal known to the Chaos. Qilori accompanied Lakjiip in her investigation of the fake mining facilities. At the end of the mission, the Chiss captain of the escort ship asked Lakjiip if she had accomplished everything she wanted, to which she affirmed. Qilori then smiled to himself, as both Haplif and Jixtus also got everything they wanted. [2] However, Senior Captain Thrawn and Mid Captain Csap'ro'strob (Apros) of the Chiss warship Grayshrike dismantled the Agbui plot. Soon after, Qilori met with Jixtus again, who commended the Pathfinder for making him aware of Thrawn's military cunning. Jixtus promised to keep him in mind for his future machinations against the Chiss. In this meeting, Jixtus also identified his species as Grysk. When Qilori asked if there was anything he could still do for Jixtus, he officially tasked the Pathfinder with solving the mystery of how the Chiss travel through hyperspace. Qilori agreed, as Jixtus threatened to hold him accountable if he failed. [2]
Qilori was inherently insecure and easily frightened. This made his loyalty to whatever regime he served easily compromised, making him an unreliable associate. Only fear kept him loyal to his service. Qilori prioritized his personal safety above all else, and no fear of punishment could override his fear of death. Qilori held a strong dislike for the Chiss, whom he called "blue-skins," and their government. He was often afraid for his personal safety, even to the point of compromising the Navigators' Guild neutrality and confidentiality policies when coerced. Qilori had faith in the Force, which he called the "Great Presence." When he believed he would die, he believed he would join the Great Presence, wondering whether he would fade into the void or be "deemed worthy" to join the currents of hyperspace to guide the journeys of future navigators.
Qilori of Uandualon first appeared in the 2020 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, penned by Timothy Zahn, featured Qilori as both a supporting antagonist and a significant character providing perspective. He reappeared with a reduced presence in the 2021 follow-up, Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good, where Haplif, another agent of the Grysk Hegemony belonging to the Agbui, mirrored Qilori's literary function from Chaos Rising. Qilori's character was seen again in the 2021 series conclusion, Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, with an expanded role compared to the second novel, although he didn't regain the prominence he held in the series' initial installment.