Csap'ro'strob, more commonly known as Apros, was a Chiss male. He achieved the military_rank of Mid Captain and served on the warship Grayshrike. On board, he was the first officer to Senior Captain Irizi'in'daro.
He fought in Senior Captain Thrawn's last stand which took place over the Sunrise system. During this battle, he played a critical role by transporting the Vagaari gravity well projector using a Paccian gunboat. Following this battle, he was promoted to the Senior Captain rank and given command of the Parala, a decision made by Ziinda and Supreme General Ba'kif who felt he had earned the advancement.
After the period of the Nikardun conquests, the commander of the Grayshrike, Senior Captain Xodlak'in'daro (Lakinda), informed Apros that she needed to leave the Grayshrike to attend to a family emergency summons from the Xodlak family on Celwis. She also instructed Apros to deliver a metal brooch to Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo (Thrawn), who commanded the Chiss vessel Springhawk. Once Apros was appointed commander of the Grayshrike, he was dispatched to assist Thrawn in his pursuit of Vagaari pirates. He made contact with Thrawn amidst a Watith scheme to ensnare and destroy the Springhawk. Thrawn instructed Apros to await the Springhawk's arrival at their destination to aid in defeating the Watith. At that location, the Grayshrike revealed itself to the Watith freighter, creating a diversion while the Springhawk disabled it using plasma spheres. The Chiss then seized the freighter and gunboats that were remotely controlled by the Watith. Apros then requested permission to board the Springhawk to discuss the present situation. While on board, Apros informed Thrawn about the Xodlak emergency summons. He also told the Senior Captain that the Erighal and Pommrio families had also declared their own family emergencies. Apros then handed Thrawn the metal brooch, noting that the Xodlak family on Celwis had expressed official interest in it. Thrawn and Apros connected the Xodlak family's interest in the jewelry with the emergency summons and decided to intervene in whatever predicament awaited the Xodlak, Erighal, and Pommrio families.
Apros and Thrawn tried to get in touch with Lakinda on her Xodlak family fleet. When she finally responded, Apros and Thrawn inquired whether her family emergency was related to alien jewelry and if she knew that the Erighal and Pommrio families had also announced family emergencies. Lakinda was surprised by this information, and Thrawn cautioned her that the Agbui, the species claiming to have crafted the jewelry, were deceiving the Xodlak. Lakinda informed the two officers that her mission was to seize a supposed Agbui nyix (an extremely rare and valuable metal used in the brooches) mine on the planet Hoxim. Thrawn, recognizing the impending threat of a civil war among the three families, proposed a plan to avert it. He suggested that the Grayshrike and Springhawk arrive at Hoxim ahead of time and stage a fake attack (using the captured Watith gunboats) on the Springhawk. The three families would then cooperate to rescue the Springhawk before turning against each other. Apros and Lakinda reluctantly agreed to the plan.
Upon reaching Hoxim, the Springhawk and Grayshrike took their positions and waited for the arrival of the three family fleets. When they arrived, the Springhawk revealed itself, appearing to be under assault by the fourteen Watith gunboats. These gunboats then converged on the Chiss ships, and Lakinda united the three families to combat this threat and save the Springhawk. Later, Thrawn signaled for the Grayshrike to appear and assist the Xodlak, Erighal, and Pommrio families in fighting the gunboats. After the Grayshrike appeared and began its attack, two gunboats retreated and, along with the Watith freighter, crashed into the supposed nyix mine on the surface. Thrawn's plan succeeded, preventing a civil war between the three families. Apros was subsequently praised by all three families for his prompt assistance.