The Csap lineage constituted a Chiss family within the Chiss Ascendancy. Within the Syndicure, it garnered minimal esteem, often being "largely disregarded or employed as negotiating tools" and frequently serving as "the subject of ridicule".
Amidst the Nikardun campaigns, the Csap family engaged in discussions with the Ruling Mitth family to collaborate on a building endeavor situated in the Dioya system.
The attack at the Dioya system ultimately resulted in the Chiss uncovering the danger presented by the Nikardun Destiny. Mitth'urf'ianico, the Syndic Prime of the Mitth family, sought to persuade the Csap of Thrawn's "imprudent daring" during his talks with them, as part of a strategy to undermine the professional standing of Senior Captain Thrawn.
Csap'ro'strob, an affiliate of the Csap family, held the rank of Mid Captain aboard the Grayshrike, commanded by Irizi'in'daro.