
Hoxim, often called the "Agbui mining world," was an unclaimed planet located within the Unknown Regions, completely devoid of inhabitants. The surface was a mix of forests, grasslands, craggy mountains and scattered [desert](/article/desert] patches, but the soil was highly acidic.

As part of a scheme to bring about the downfall of the Chiss Ascendancy, Haplif of the Agbui manipulated three Chiss Great Families into believing that the Agbui controlled an otherwise independent mining settlement on Hoxim. This settlement supposedly extracted nyix, a valuable metal employed in reinforcing the hulls of [warships](/article/warship], and the Agbui were allegedly unaware of its true worth. Haplif, feigning ignorance, presented Hoxim as so abundant in nyix that the Agbui could produce jewelry on a massive scale and sell it for next to nothing within the Ascendancy. (The truth was that Haplif had stolen the nyix jewelry from a species after inciting [a civil war](/article/sunrise%27s_civil_war] among them, enabling the Agbui to mine their world for nyix.)

Over time, Haplif communicated the alleged riches of Hoxim to officials in a manner that implied significant profits for them, while portraying his own people as foolishly ignorant of the metal's value. Furthermore, he intentionally flooded the market of Celwis with cheaply priced nyix jewelry as a component of his elaborate deception. This convinced Councilor Xodlak'uvi'vil that it would be unwise for his family not to seize control of Hoxim's nyix mines. Haplif thereby enticed the ambitious Xodlak, Pommrio, and Erighal family officials to secretly plot to claim Hoxim and its mine for their respective families, with the hope that the ensuing conflict between the families would escalate into a civil war within the Ascendancy.

In the end, Senior Captain Thrawn of the Chiss Ascendancy unraveled Haplif's scheme. As the fleets of the three families encountered each other above Hoxim, he destroyed the mine, making it appear as an accident, thus preventing the families from fighting over it. He also arranged a situation where the three families could gain glory and honor by "rescuing" his disabled Springhawk from an ambush.


Hoxim presented as a terrestrial planet, showcasing a diverse array of forests, expansive grasslands, networks of rivers and lakes, towering mountain ranges, and even scattered desert regions. The atmosphere was suitable for breathing by both the Chiss and Agbui species, at the very least. The forests of Hoxim were inhabited by a variety of woodland creatures. However, the soil's high acidity rendered it unsuitable for growing plants that were edible to the Chiss.


By 18 BBY, members of the Agbui species had established what appeared to be a purported mining settlement on Hoxim. They professed to be mining the planet for its abundant reserves of nyix and other valuable metals.

After residing on the economically vital, yet politically insignificant, Chiss Ascendancy world of Celwis for several months, Haplif enticed Xodlak family Councilor Xodlak'uvi'vil to dispatch Senior Aide Lakjip to scout the mines on Hoxim and assess their value. Lakjip made a visit to Hoxim's mining settlement, where Agbui workers permitted her to view the external aspects of the facilities. However, they prohibited her from entering the supposed mines and refining complex. Nevertheless, they provided her with sufficient nyix to convince her that the world was rich in the precious metal. Upon her return to Celwis, Lakjip and Councillor Lakuviv conspired to seize Hoxim for the Xodlak family, thereby elevating their family's status and advancing their own careers. Similarly, other agents of the mysterious faction seeking to destroy the Chiss Ascendancy tempted Pommrio family officials on Sarvchi and Erighal family officials on Copero to declare family emergencies in order to summon their Defense Fleet service-members and attempt to seize Hoxim.

The fleets belonging to the Xodlak, Pommrio, and Erighal families converged in the space above Hoxim, with each fleet's commanding officer asserting a claim to the world below and its valuable mining resources. The three family fleets were on the verge of engaging in hostilities against each other until they observed Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo's Springhawk adrift and seemingly under assault by hostile forces. The Xodlak, Erighal, and Pommrio forces successfully neutralized the 'hostile' forces, thereby bringing honor to their respective families.

In actuality, the "attacking" forces consisted of remotely piloted gunboats that Thrawn had seized from Watith forces commanded by Captain Fsir. These gunboats were being operated from the Watith shuttle attached to the Springhawk. Thrawn instructed Xodlak, Erighal, and Pommrio family members under his command to operate the drone gunboats, as members of each family possessed the greatest familiarity with the strengths and weaknesses of their respective family fleets' starships. This enabled Xodlak operators to target Xodlak cruisers with maximum force but minimal damage, thereby creating a convincing display of hostility that was nevertheless non-damaging; the same held true for the Erighal and Pommrio family members.

