Jixtus, an agent of the Grysk, devised Jixtus's plan, a scheme to undermine the Chiss Ascendancy. The core of the plan involved instigating a civil war within the Ascendancy. This conflict would weaken the Chiss, making them vulnerable to conquest by the Grysk Hegemony. To achieve this, Jixtus dispatched Haplif and other operatives to study Chiss culture. Their mission was to identify ways to manipulate ambitious officials into triggering and escalating armed conflicts. The Chiss family structure, and the pervasive influence of family politics within Chiss society, became the focal point of Jixtus's strategy to dismantle the Chiss Ascendancy.
Haplif, along with other agents acting on Jixtus's orders, were sent into Chiss territory disguised as "cultural nomads." Their objective was to uncover vulnerabilities in Chiss society and exploit them. These agents successfully persuaded officials from three Great Families to declare family emergencies. This led to the mobilization of personnel from the military to staff their family fleets. The goal was to seize control of a world believed to be rich in the valuable metal nyix. However, the Chiss were unaware that the supposed "Agbui mining world" was actually "a worthless rock."
The Xodlak, Erighal, and Pommrio families were the three Great Families manipulated into nearly engaging in conflict with each other. Each of these Great Families maintained an alliance with a different Ruling Family. Therefore, a conflict between the Great Families would inevitably extend to the Ruling Families and eventually engulf the entire Ascendancy. Jixtus's hope was that the Ascendancy would weaken itself to such an extent that the Grysk Hegemony could easily conquer it. However, the plot devised by Jixtus and Haplif was ultimately thwarted by the actions of Lakphro, a rancher, and Senior Captains Thrawn and Lakinda.
Near the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Jixtus dispatched Haplif to incite a species native to Sunrise into a disastrous civil war. This world was supposedly abundant in nyix. The resulting conflict devastated the planet and its inhabitants, causing widespread death. Subsequently, the Agbui colonized the planet and began mining it for nyix, which they later used in the form of nyix brooches as part of their plot to destroy the Chiss Ascendancy. Approximately 200 refugees managed to escape the planet and fled to Rapacc, seeking protection from the Chiss, whom they considered noble warriors. Haplif, unable to communicate with Jixtus due to the absence of a communications triad on Sunrise, informed the Nikardun Destiny that the refugees were assembling an army against Yiv the Benevolent. This led indirectly to the Nikardun blockade of the Rapacc system and Thrawn's subsequent discovery of the Nikardun as a threat.
Two months following the defeat of General Yiv the Benevolent of the Nikardun Destiny, Jixtus captured Qilori, a navigator from the Pathfinder of Uandualon, in deep space. Jixtus used both threats and promises to persuade Qilori to join him in his nascent scheme against the Chiss, against whom Qilori harbored a desire for revenge. Qilori agreed to join Jixtus. Jixtus and other agents of the Grysk Hegemony had anticipated that the Nikardun efforts against the Chiss would fail, and therefore devised a more subtle strategy to conquer the Chiss from within.
After having lived among the Chiss for several months under the guise of "cultural nomads," Haplif identified Lakuviv, an ambitious Councilor from the Xodlak family, as the individual he would manipulate to ignite a civil war within the Chiss Ascendancy. Haplif convinced Lakuviv, Councilor of Celwis's Redhill province, that the Agbui controlled Hoxim, a world rich in the valuable metal nyix used in starship armor, and that the Agbui were unaware of the value of the "abundant" nyix. Haplif and his Agbui accomplices planned to give gifts of nyix jewelry to ambitious Chiss elites and sell such jewelry at artificially low prices to generate interest in seizing the source of the nyix among Lakuviv and others.
Lakuviv dispatched Lakjip, his Senior Aide, to the Agbui's supposed mining village on Hoxim. She returned believing the Agbui possessed a significant quantity of the precious metal. Following Lakjip's return from Hoxim, Councilor Lakuviv staged a coup against Lakooni, the Xodlak Patriel of Celwis, and impersonated her to declare a Xodlak family emergency. He then used the emergency powers to assemble the Xodlak fleet to claim Hoxim for the Xodlak, believing this would secure the Xodlak's return to the Ten Ruling Families and his own promotion to the rank of Cousin.
Similar schemes were simultaneously executed with the Erighal family on Copero and the Pommrio family on Sarvchi. This resulted in each of these Great Families declaring family emergencies and mobilizing their fleets to seize the supposed "Agbui mining world," which was in reality "a worthless rock."
Each of the Great Families involved in the plot was allied with a separate, mutually antagonistic Ruling Family. The Grysk hoped to exploit these alliances, as conflict between the Great Families would inevitably spread to their allied Ruling Families, and subsequently engulf the entire Ascendancy. The alliances that the Grysk sought to exploit were:
Once the Ascendancy was engaged in internal conflict, Jixtus and Nakirre planned to travel to Csilla aboard Jixtus's fleet and the Kilji war cruiser Whetstone. Their goal was to destroy the Chiss government.
The family fleets of the Xodlak, Erighal, and Pommrio families arrived almost simultaneously above Hoxim. Each fleet attempted to claim the planet and its mines for their respective families. The families were prepared to fight to the death over the resources, but then discovered the Springhawk nearby, apparently under attack, derelict, and in need of rescue.
The Hoxim incident saw the prevention of the plot. Senior Captains Mitth'raw'nuruodo and Irizi'in'daro convinced the three manipulated Great Families to cooperate in "rescuing" Thrawn and his Springhawk. The supposed nyix mine was destroyed during the battle, removing the Families' incentive to fight over it.
The plot to destroy the Chiss Ascendancy, and the responses of certain Chiss individuals, are central to the plot of Timothy Zahn's 2021 novels Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good and Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil. The plot was initially hinted at in Jixtus's promise to Qilori in Greater Good's 2020 prequel, Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising.