A brief engagement transpired in the vicinity of the planet given the moniker "Sunrise", pitting the forces of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet against those aligned with the Grysks, around the time of 18 BBY.
During this brief conflict, the vessel known as the Springhawk found itself under assault from three groups, each consisting of five unidentified missile-bearing craft. Shortly thereafter, the Grayshrike, under the command of Senior Captain Irizi'in'daro, entered the system. Her mission was to relay a communication from Admiral Ar'alani to Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo. Lakinda then directed her Grayshrike to enter the fray, with the aim of shielding the Springhawk.
As the battle unfolded, the Springhawk and Grayshrike became the targets of the HopeBreaker, seemingly accompanied by a repair vessel that was, in fact, a freighter. The Battle Dreadnought engaged the Chiss forces, providing cover for the freighter's escape to hyperspace. Thrawn effectively neutralized all of the missile boats, and also crippled the Battle Dreadnought's port-side weaponry and sensor systems. Once the freighter had jumped to hyperspace, the Battle Dreadnought also retreated, but not before obliterating all the remaining missile boats to prevent the Chiss from acquiring any intelligence about their design or blueprints.
Haplif of the Agbui was the architect of a savage conflict on the planet later called Sunrise. This war resulted in the deaths of the majority of the planet's inhabitants.
Following an encounter with a band of refugees led by the Magys on Rapacc, Mitth'ali'astov sought to avert a mass suicide among the refugees by escorting their leader to her people's home world. Although Caregiver Thalias lacked the authority to instruct the Springhawk to undertake such a voyage, Senior Captain Thrawn approved of Thalias' initiative and instructed his officers to treat Thalias as the commanding officer whenever the Magys was present.
Senior Captain Lakinda's ship, the Grayshrike, joined the conflict. Her mission was to deliver a communication to Thrawn from their superior officer, Admiral Ar'alani. She had tracked the Springhawk's probable course to Sunrise, where she discovered the Springhawk under siege by unidentified adversaries.
Witnessing the devastation inflicted upon her home world, the Magys commanded the death of her companion, and then attempted to end her own life. However, Senior Captain Thrawn placed the Magys under arrest for causing the death of an alien aboard his ship, and confined her within a hibernation chamber.
Another engagement would occur over Sunrise two weeks later, as part of the Nikardun campaigns. Lakinda's Grayshrike and Ar'alani's Vigilant engaged the Unidentified Battle Dreadnought, which subsequently self-destructed.