The Magys

The Magys was a [Magys](/article/magys], a female leader who governed her people. Following the devastation of her world by a civil war masterminded by Haplif of the Agbui under the direction of the Grysk named "Jixtus," the Magys, along with two hundred refugees, managed to escape. Their starship encountered the planet Rapacc, the homeworld of the Paccosh, who offered sanctuary to the displaced individuals. Believing her world to be irrevocably lost, the Magys desired that she and her people die to transition to the Beyond for the purpose of healing their ravaged home. She possessed a number of arms exceeding two.


Escape from Ruin

Jixtus of the Grysk dispatched Haplif of the Agbui to incite a civil war among the Magys's species, aiming to completely annihilate the population of Sunrise. Aware of the existence of the Chiss Ascendancy, the Magys gathered two hundred refugees and successfully fled the planet, setting a course toward the Ascendancy. This journey ultimately led them to Rapacc, the homeworld of the Paccian Governance. There, Uingali foar Marocsaa of the Paccosh concealed the refugees from the Nikardun, who were being manipulated by Haplif to pursue them. The Magys later convinced Uingali to dispatch two Paccian refugee ships—one carrying her people and the other carrying Paccosh—to the Chiss Ascendancy, with the hope that the Chiss could offer assistance. However, the navigators hired by the Paccosh conspired with Nikardun General Yiv the Benevolent, resulting in the destruction of the Magysian refugee ship at the edge of Chiss space. This event contributed to the eventual defeat of the Nikardun by the Chiss. The Paccosh also defeated the Nikardun on Rapacc. The Magys was compelled to wait for nine of her months, without contact from her world, before deciding on the refugees' fate. As this period neared its end, the Chiss arrived at Rapacc aboard the Chiss warship Springhawk. Uingali then informed Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo (Thrawn) and caregiver Mitth'ali'astov (Thalias) about the refugees' plight. Uingali revealed that the Magys intended to end her own life, which, due to her people's connection to her, would result in the suicide of the entire refugee population. Given the deteriorating relationship between the refugees and the Paccosh, Uingali believed that Thalias, due to the matriarchal nature of the Magys's society, was the only one capable of dissuading the Magys from this course of action. Upon the Chiss reaching the Magys's location on Rapacc, the Magys discerned Thalias's connection to the Beyond and, consequently, agreed to speak only with her. During their conversation, the Magys detailed her people's situation and her plan to die, join the "Beyond," and rebuild their world. The Magys declared that her "time has ended," but Thalias challenged her to prove that no one remained alive on her planet. She proposed taking the Magys to her homeworld to assess the situation before she made a final decision about suicide. The Magys agreed and requested to bring a companion. Thalias consented and coordinated the arrangements with Thrawn and the Springhawk.

Return to her Planet

During the voyage back to her world, the Magys requested that Thalias participate in a religious ceremony, involving the use of an audiovisual kaleidoscope by the Chiss. Upon arrival at the world, the Magys declined to reveal the system's name to the Chiss, leading Thrawn to name it "Sunrise" for their convenience. The Magys viewed this name as a mockery of her people's destruction, but Thrawn assured her that it stemmed from his desire to foster hope. After examining the planet's scorched surface, the Magys immediately concluded that everyone was dead. Thrawn insisted that there was no conclusive proof of this, but before they could agree on a course of action, the Springhawk came under attack by a group of unidentified gunboats. The Magys and her companion were subsequently confined to their private quarters. Following the battle, the Magys, convinced that her world was lost, ordered her companion to die, and he complied. Determined to return to Rapacc and command the remaining refugees to die as well, she was met with opposition from Thrawn and Thalias. She persisted, even threatening to die aboard the Springhawk, which would inspire a new Magys to rise and make the same decision. To prevent further deaths, Thrawn ordered the Magys to be placed in a hibernation chamber.

Later, Thrawn, Thalias, and Samakro awoke the Magys. She demanded to know why they had deprived her of her responsibility to order her refugees to die and touch the Beyond, and she resolved to end her life immediately. However, Thalias intervened and presented her with a nyix brooch originating from Sunrise. In reality, this brooch had been stolen by a group of Agbui and given to the Chiss as part of a plot to instigate a civil war within the Chiss Ascendancy. However, Thalias framed her arguments in a way that suggested the brooch came from an emerging society on Sunrise. The Magys, recognizing the brooch as the style of the Southern Mountain artisans, was persuaded to remain alive. She demanded to be returned to her people, but Thrawn explained that she would need to re-enter hibernation, as her discovery by other officers on the Springhawk would lead to her being taken to Csilla for investigation and interrogation. The Magys was about to argue when she sensed the nearby presence of another Force user, the Springhawk's sky-walker, Che'ri, who was sleeping in a nearby chamber. Upon learning of Che'ri's presence, the Magys then agreed to return to hibernation.

