Sunrise, a planet within the Sunrise system situated in the Unknown Regions, was named by the Chiss species. The world's surface was characterized by mountains, forests, and rivers, alongside a compound close to a nyix metal mine. The Magys's people, a group of sentients who revered a matriarch known as The Magys, considered Sunrise their home. The planet's remote location within the Unknown Regions made it challenging to access; the inhabitants died and became one with the beyond, an energy that connected all living things, thus hindering the entry of starships.
Sometime before 18 BBY, the Grysk agent identified as "Jixtus" discovered Sunrise and deployed the Agbui, a telepathic species, to instigate a civil war between the planet's two inhabitant factions. This conflict resulted in widespread destruction on Sunrise, leading The Magys and two hundred refugees to seek refuge on Rapacc, the Paccosh homeworld. There, The Magys and her people encountered Mitth'raw'nuruodo, the Chiss known as "Thrawn," who subsequently visited Sunrise with The Magys.
Subsequently, the Grysks engaged the Chiss in combat over Sunrise, employing several gunboats and a Battle Dreadnaught. The Chiss heavy cruiser Grayshrike and the Nightdragon man-of-war Vigilant ultimately destroyed the dreadnaught. Nevertheless, Jixtus's forces persisted, and after the Grysk operative formed an alliance with the Kilji government of the Kilji Illumine, he dispatched the Kilji picket cruiser Hammer to the Sunrise system, where it entered orbit around Sunrise alongside a Grysk warship. After defeating these vessels and freeing Sunrise from Grysk enslavement, Thrawn gathered a fleet above Sunrise to fight Jixtus, who had brought his entire war fleet to capture The Magys. Despite his efforts, Jixtus's forces were defeated, and Sunrise was liberated.