
The Paccosh, also referred to as the Pacc, were a sentient species originating from the planet known as Rapacc. The Paccosh held females, whether of their own kind or from other species, in extremely high esteem, almost to the point of worship. When a group of refugees under the leadership of the Magys, fleeing a civil war on their homeworld, arrived on Rapacc, the Paccosh offered them sanctuary. The Nikardun Destiny, commanded by General Yiv, blockaded Rapacc because Haplif of the Agbui had manipulated them.

When speaking the trade languages of Taarja and Minnisiat, the Paccosh produced sounds that the Chiss compared to the "whinnying" sound made by a packbull.

Haplif instigated the civil war on the Magys's homeworld, and he deceived the Nikardun Destiny into thinking the refugee vessel was a group attempting to gather forces against them. The Magys strongly encouraged the Paccosh to dispatch a remnant of their species to escape, fearing their own world would face a similar fate. The Paccosh dispatched two refugee starships, but sadly, neither survived.

The Paccosh named Uingali foar Marocsaa was a leader within the [Paccian Governance](/article/paccian_governance], and this individual was the one from whom the future Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn eventually became familiar with his personal symbol, the chimaera.

