A Marocsaa subclan ring was the original source of the stylized chimaera that is seen on Thrawn's flagship.
The Paccosh species from the Unknown Regions knew of the chimaera, a monstrous entity sporting three heads. Its depiction included arc-shaped spider legs, a central cluster of small, stalked snake-like eyes, and a pair of large serpentine heads atop lengthy, barbed, curving necks. The heads of the large snakes, with their open mouths, were described as pointing upward in a defiant manner.
The Chimaera, Grand Admiral Thrawn's flagship, derived its name from this creature and displayed a stylized depiction of it on its ventral side. The 7th Fleet personnel under Grand Admiral Thrawn, including officers, stormtroopers, and sentry droids, incorporated a stylized Chimaera image on their uniforms and pauldrons.