The Magys's people

The Magys's people were a sentient species originating from the planet Sunrise in the Unknown Regions. A Force-sensitive member of this species was known as The Magys.

Society and culture

Their society was structured as a matriarchy, where individuals were absolutely bound to follow the directives of the Magys, who served as the Planetary leader.


Sunrise, their homeworld, suffered immense damage during a cataclysmic civil war. This conflict was masterminded by Haplif of the Agbui under the command of the Grysk operative "Jixtus." Haplif and his associates successfully instigated this civil war on Sunrise in less than six months. Following the war, the once-bright city lights on the planet's night side were extinguished, and the sky was darkened by smoke and ash. The destruction included all pre-war government computer systems, leaving refugees fleeing the planet without access to records of other civilizations. Subsequently, the Agbui seized control of the planet and commenced mining operations for nyix, a resource heavily utilized in Haplif and Jixtus' plot to destroy the Chiss Ascendancy.

As a result of the civil war, the Magys and two hundred refugees escaped aboard a starship. Their journey led them to the planet Rapacc, the world of the Paccosh, who offered shelter to the displaced people. Believing her world to be irrevocably lost, the Magys desired death for herself and her people, hoping their passing into the Beyond would somehow heal the planet.


Unlike other sentient species within the Chaos, the people of Sunrise never created long-range communications triad technology.

