Unidentified settlement (Agbui)

An establishment of the Agbui people was located on the mining planet of Hoxim situated within the Unknown Regions; this planet was used for Agbui mining activities. Haplif, who was Agbui, showcased the settlement to Senior Aide Lakjip, describing it as a mining settlement. Lakjip then journeyed to the establishment, where Agbui laborers showed her the outside of the buildings, but forbade her from going inside the supposed mines and refining area.

The laborers gave Lakjip a sufficient quantity of nyix, which led her to conclude that the planet was abundant in this valuable metal. When Lakjip got back to Celwis, she and Councilor Lakuviv made a plan to take control of the Agbui mining planet for the Xodlak family; this would improve their family's reputation and advance their personal careers.

