
title: Xodlak'ji'iprip

Lakjiip Xodlak'ji'iprip, whose core name was Lakjiip, was a Chiss female from the esteemed Xodlak family. She held the position of Senior Aide to Councilor Xodlak'uvi'vil (Lakuviv) on the planet Celwis. Both she and Lakuviv became entangled in the scheme orchestrated by Haplif of the Agbui with the intent to plunge the Chiss Ascendancy into a devastating civil conflict.


Lakjiip was present during a meeting involving Haplif, a member of the Agbui, and Xodlak Councilor Xodlak'uvi'vil (Lakuviv). Haplif, masquerading as a cultural nomad, requested a small parcel of land to cultivate his spices. He presented Lakuviv with a sample of these spices, along with a pair of metal brooches. Consequently, Lakuviv instructed Lakjiip to submit both the spices and brooches to the Vlidan Labs for thorough examination. Additionally, they were to locate a suitable piece of land to grant to the Agbui. This particular land was under the ownership of Xodlak yubal rancher, Xodlak'phr'ooa (Lakphro). Lakjiip then journeyed to the rancher's property to inform him of the impending arrangement.

Several weeks later, Lakjiip discovered that certain strands within the brooches were composed of pure nyix metal, the rarest known metal in the Chaos. She promptly informed Lakuviv of this revelation, adding that the Agbui intended to sell these brooches to the Chiss at a price a thousand times lower than their actual worth. Lakuviv then directed her to prevent any attempts to sell the brooches and to invite Haplif for a discussion. A week subsequently, another Agbui vessel arrived on Celwis. Lakjiip contacted Haplif, who explained that the ship was likely there to acquire surplus spices from the Agbui and deliver additional metal for their jewelry production. Lakjiip requested that Haplif travel to Redhill to engage in discussions with both the newly arrived Agbui and Lakuviv. Lakphro volunteered to transport him to Redhill. Upon their arrival, Lakphro confidentially disclosed to Lakjiip that Haplif had gifted his wife, Lakansu, a brooch. Astonished that the rancher possessed one, Lakjiip immediately confiscated it. She instructed Lakphro to maintain secrecy regarding the brooches, emphasizing the matter's utmost importance to the Xodlak family's security. She further inquired if Haplif had provided him with any additional brooches, to which Lakphro responded negatively. However, this was a falsehood, as Haplif had also presented his daughter, Lakris, with a brooch.

Haplif proceeded to privately inform Lakuviv about the world from which the metals used in the nyix jewelry were mined. Driven by a desire to claim the world for the Xodlak family, Lakuviv inquired if Haplif could provide the Agbui with an escort ship for their next expedition to the mining world, an offer Haplif accepted. Eager to gather as much information as possible about the world, Lakuviv dispatched Lakjiip to accompany the escort mission. Upon reaching the world, Lakjiip questioned the Chiss navigator, Qilori, who had been gifted to them by Haplif, if she had heard the Agbui refer to the world as Hoxim. Qilori confirmed the name, prompting Lakjiip to interrogate him about the world and his involvement with the Agbui. Eventually, Lakjiip requested that Qilori accompany her on a tour of the mining facilities. Upon arriving on the surface of Hoxim, Lakjiip conducted tests on the planet's soil, discovering it was excessively acidic for any Chiss plant life. When she attempted to enter the mining facilities, an Agbui representative intervened, citing safety concerns for outsiders. However, he permitted her to observe the facilities through the windows, and Lakjiip and Qilori spent the remainder of the day on the planet. The Chiss departed back to the Ascendancy the following morning.

Upon her return to Celwis, Lakjiip shared her findings from Hoxim with Lakuviv. Lakuviv then proceeded with his plans to claim Hoxim for the Xodlak family. He successfully impersonated Celwis Xodlak Patriel Xodlak'oo'nifis (Lakooni) and initiated a Xodlak family emergency, accomplishing this by taking Lakooni hostage. This emergency summons mandated that all active-duty Xodlak Defense Force and Expansionary Defense Fleet personnel report to Celwis.

Upon the arrival of Senior Captain Xodlak'in'daro (Lakinda) at Celwis, Lakjiip was taken aback that someone of her stature had responded. She subsequently appointed Lakinda as the commander of the Midsummer and the leader of the Xodlak operation to seize the nyix mine on Hoxim. When Lakinda inquired about the nature of the operation, Lakjiip, believing the commander should be informed, disclosed the details about the Agbui and the unclaimed nyix mine. Lakjiip informed Lakinda of the Xodlak family's intention to relinquish the mine to the Syndicure upon its capture, emphasizing that the family only sought the glory and prestige associated with uncovering and acquiring it. She also conveyed that it would only be just if the Xodlak family were reinstated to Ruling Family status.

However, the information presented by the Agbui was entirely fabricated. In truth, the aliens were attempting to undermine the Chiss and instigate a civil war among them. Simultaneously, as the Xodlak family was summoning personnel for a family emergency to seize Hoxim and its nyix mines, the Erighal and Pommrio families were assembling their family forces for the same objective. The nyix mine was nonexistent, and the Agbui had obtained the nyix from a world, Sunrise, which they had devastated through another fomented civil war. Nevertheless, Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo (Thrawn) and Mid Captain Csap'ro'strob (Apros) uncovered the Agbui's plot and successfully prevented conflict from erupting between the three manipulated Chiss families. Following the failed attempt to seize Hoxim, Lakooni eventually escaped from her captivity and imposed some form of disciplinary action against both Lakuviv and Lakjiip.

